Chapter 36: Parent-daughter talk

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"Korra, sweetie wake up. Breakfast is ready." Senna called sweetly. the avatar yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She lazily sat up and caressed Naga's head.

"How's your sleep girl? We're not in the temple now. We're home, girl."Korra said. The polar bear just barked at her. Korra made her way to the bathroom and prepared herself. as she was finished, she headed straight to the kitchen where her father and mother were waiting for her.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning dad." Korra replied. Her father just smiled and started to eat. Korra felt that she was not hungry. She just stared at the food in front of her.

"Korra, what's wrong?" Senna asked. She looked up at her mother and sighed.

"Are you really not going to show me anything about her?" Korra asked with annoyance. Her parents exchanged glances.

"I'm sorry sweetie but we had a deal that you can only see her in her 25th birthday. She and her father will go here." Tonraq said calmly. The avatar rolled her eyes.

"And when is that?" She asked.

"After 3 years." he added. Korra's eyes widened.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Korra exclaimed. The chief sighed and faced his daughter.

"Yes. I'm sorry, but we need to wait." he explained trying to calm his daughter. Korra growled of frustration and bowed her head forcefully.

"Sweetie, what happened to you in six months? Tenzin said you left the temple six months ago. We're so glad you came home." Senna said sweetly, changing the topic.

"It's a long story." Korra replied coldly.

"We're listening." Tonraq said. Korra crossed her arms.

"I stayed at Earth Kingdom. Living on my own. No one knows I'm the avatar because I cut my hair and wore different clothes. But they said I kinda look like the avatar. I'm just denying the truth. I lived there like an Earth Kingdom citizen. Living peacefully and with freedom." Korra explained. Her parents just sighed.

"Excuse me." Korra said and left her parents. She went outside with Naga. They just watched the sky and clouds. Korra sat beside Naga and laid to her pet. She sighed and closed her eyes.

"I missed her Naga. I really do." She said sadly.


"Asami? Can we talk?" A deep,male voice said outside her door.

"Come in dad." She replied and sat on her bed. She's still thinking about Korra since she left the city again. The door opened and it revealed her father.

"Asami, your fiancé's father called earlier. He said his daughter agreed to the marriage. Didn't you still changed your mind?" Hiroshi asked. The CEO rolled her eyes.

"I told you, dad. I will never agree to that. Why don't she marry herself? I love someone else." Asami replied rudely. Her father laughed a little.

"And who was that? The douche bag jerk fire bender? No way, Asami. You're getting married with her whether you like it or not." Hiroshi said before he left his daughter alone. Tears escaped from the engineer's eyes.

"No dad. I love the avatar." She whispered to herself. "And I'm so idiot for hurting her." She added as she burst out in tears.

Asami locked herself up in her bedroom since she knew that her ex-girlfriend also agreed to her fixed marriage. But how can it be her own fiancé also agrees? Isn't that coincidence or could it be...?


Short chapter^^ but hope you like it. Please tell me your opinions. Comment and vote ;)) Only two to three chapters left. or I don't know I'm not sure lol. 😎 And! Sorry for the Mako fans. I assure you, there's no hatred included. Lol

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