Chapter 40: Is this the end?

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A/N: This Chapter is dedicated to @SelDaSelfieStealer and @baconlover290. They're the one who helped me with the problem of this chapter so, thank you so much for the two of you. :*


A week have passed since Korra decided to stay in the temple again. Her parents agreed because they are planning something about their daughter's wedding. Something that they don't want Korra to know. Everyone was because Korra returned to her true self. The funny and short-tempered avatar they adored was back. One sunny morning, Bolin arrived at the temple to deliver some news to the avatar. He found her at the training field alone.

"Korra?" Bolin called as he walked towards her. Korra turned around and smiled.

"Bolin! What are you doing here?" Korra said excitedly. The earth bender caressed his nape.

"Well I don't know if this was going to be a bad news or good news to you." said Bolin a bit worried. Korra just gave him a quizzical look.

"We've got a call last night from the Fire Nation. It's Asami. She just wanted to tell us that she'll be back later around lunch I think." Bolin explained.

"I-I don't know Bo. She's still mad at me isn't she?" Korra said sadly.

"I don't think so Korra." Bolin said looking straight to her eyes. Korra raised her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I gave her your letter about your agreement to the marriage and she.. you know? She cried a lot. She locked up herself in her room for a week. Not eating. Not working. Hiroshi said she only did that when she first knew she was on a fixed marriage. Oh! And ee knew about your fixed marriages. So.. It must've hurt her when you leave. Bolin said. Tears started to build up on Korra's eyes. She's so confused right now.

"Why didn't you.." Korra murmured and her tears fell down on her cheeks. Bolin heard what she said.

"Why didn't we tell you? We tried Korra. But how can we mention you in their house? Even if we tell her 'don't worry Asami, I'm sure she still loves you.' Her father will freaked out because he didn't know about your relationship." Bolin said. Korra sat on the ground forcefully, still crying. Bolin felt sad and guilty because Korrawas crying again because he told her. But she needs to know it. Asami still loves her, she always will.

"I'm sorry Korra." Bolin said and hugged his best friend. Korra just hugged back and cried in his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have gave up hope with our relationship. Maybe we're happy now." Korra whispered.

"Shush. Stop crying Korra. You can talk to her later." Bolin said and pulled out on the hug.

"Even if I did, we can't get back together." Korra said, still sobbing. Bolin didn't respond but he rubbed Korra's back.


"Mako? Bolin?" Asami called out after entering the mansion. Mako showed up at the second floor. The fire bender smiled as he saw the heiress and her father.

"Oh, Hi Asami. Welcome back!" Mako said and ran downstairs. "Mr. Sato." he added then he bowed to Hiroshi as respect. Hiroshi just nodded and left them alone.

"So.. Where's Bolin?" Asami asked. Mako lifted her belongings and they headed to her room.

"Uhh. He's in the temple. And.. K-Korra's there too." Mako said while they're walking. Asami's eyes went wide and she stopped walking. Tears building up in her eyes as she stared at the fire bender. Mako noticed it and walked towards the CEO. He laid down her luggages and touched the shoulder of the crying engineer.

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