Chapter 43: Surprise (Part Two)

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**Asami's Birthday**

"Asami? Asami open up! We need you for something! Please, come down immediately!"

Asami rubbed her sleepy eyes. It's 1:00 in the morning. She quickly prepared herself because of what Bolin said. Why are they disturbing my sleep?! She whispered to herself as she opened her door annoyingly. She rushed downstairs to the living room but there's no one there. And all the lights were off. She heard some footsteps but she alarmed herself. Is it really Bolin who called me? She thought. She walked slowly with her fighting stance. She saw a shadow moving in the kitchen so she walked over to the kitchen. As she reached the dining table, the lights suddenly turned on and the brothers-together with her father, were handing a cake and some banners.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled and the maids and butlers showed up behind her. She covered her mouth because of their Surprise.

"Come here and blow your candle Asami." Hiroshi said as he placed the cake on the table. The CEO smiled and hugged her father.

"Thank you dad. Thank you to all of you." Asami said teary eyed while looking to the others. Asami turned her attention to the cake. There was a a message and it says 'Happy Birthday Asami.' with a big heart beside it. The heiress closed her eyes and make a wish. Then she blowed up her candle. Everyone clapped.


"Korra wake up! It's Friday! You need to prepare yourself!" Tonraq shouted from the kitchen while he's helping his wife to prepare food. His daughter-in-law's father said they will be at the South Pole around 11:00 in the morning.

Korra lazily sat down on her bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. What she hates the most is to disturb her sleep. When she saw the clock, she snorted and get back to sleep. Naga wailed her tail and playfully licked her owner's face.

"Naga, shush! Sleep time." Korra said as she pulled away Naga's head. But it seems Naga was more excited than her owner today. She barked loudly that made Korra cover her ears.

"Naga!" She yelled. But the polar bear dog wanted her to get up so Naga jumped to her bed and laid down in her owner. Korra tried to get Naga off but she failed. She stared at her pet and jokingly slapped her head.

"You are one crazy Polar bear dog you know?" Korra said as she laughed. Naga licked her face.

"Korra! Do you heard me?! Come here and help us!" Tonraq shouted again. The avatar rolled her eyes.

"Dad, it's 10:00 in the morning!" Korra shouted back as she covered her face with a pillow. Naga went back to her blanket and sat down. They heard footsteps coming from outside. The door opened and it was her parents.

"Korra, are you serious? You're not getting ready for your fiancé's arrival?" Tonraq said. Korra just snorted.

"Sweetie, come on. You waited three years to meet her. Aren't you excited?" Senna said as she sat on her daughter's bed. Korra thought of what her mother said. She's excited to meet her, but she didn't want to marry her anymore. But she can't tell her parents. They'll be embarrassed because of her selfishness. Instead, she sat up and sighed.

"Go on and prepare yourself sweetie. She'll be here in any minute." Senna said. Korra nodded and stood up headed to the bathroom.

"We'll just right in the kitchen." Tonraq said as they left her room.


"Dad, it's 9:00 in the morning. Are you sure we need to go there this early?" Asami said still sleepy as she entered the car. She didn't get enough sleep because of the surprise of her father and the brothers.

"Yes. We need to get there before lunch. Besides, it's a bit far from here." Hiroshi said. Asami just sighed and closed her eyes, taking a nap. The brothers waved to them as the car goes away.

"Hey bro, who do you think Asami's fiancé is?" Bolin asked as they went back inside the mansion.

"I've no idea who she is." Mako answered.

"Well Asami seemed excited earlier. Maybe it's Korra." Bolin suggested. Mako stared at his brother surprised.

"Are you serious? That's impossible. Remember that they ended up everything between them two weeks ago?" Mako said.

"Well yeah. Hmm. I guess it's just coincidence that the two of them both have girl fiancés." Bolin said.

"I guess so." Mako answered before they headed to their rooms.


Korra was now brushing her hair as she heard their main door opened. She heard a hard male voice and a sweet gentle voice. Korra's eyes widened. It's probably her fiancé and her father. Korra's heart is beating fast. She didn't know if it was nervous or fear. What is she looked like? Is she pretty? Is she taller than me? These questions build up in Korra's mind. She heard them talking. But she can't hear exactly what they says. But she heard the most was her fiancé's voice. It's soft and gentle. She can feel that her future wife was caring by the sound of her voice. Much like her mother, Senna. Then suddenly, the voice of her father called her.

"Korra! Sweetie come over here." Tonraq called. Korra gulped. She's nervous. She released a deep sigh before she stood up. She's already in front of the door when she stopped.

"You can do this. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale." She whispered to herself. She turned the doorknob and went out. She walked slowly with her head bowed down, facing the floor. Finally, she reached the living room. She can only see their feet. She can't looked up to see their faces.

"Korra, say hi to them." Senna said. The avatar sighed.

"Goodmorning...-" Korra didn't have the chance to continue what she was saying because she froze in her place. The girl in front of her is soon-to-be her wife and the person she would spend her life with forever. And that girl is.... her ex-girlfriend. Korra tried to think other reasons why she was here.

"A-Asami? What are you..?" Korra asked still confused. The heiress stood up smiling.

"Did you forgot what's special today?" Asami asked. The avatar just stared at her with her eyes widened and mouth opened a little. Asami laughed a little.

"It's my 25th birthday." The CEO said. Korra bowed down and all the words her father told her reminisced in her head.

"We had a deal that you can only see her in her 25th birthday."

"She and her father will go here."

Korra looked up to Asami. Her tears falling from her eyes.

"Y-You're..." Korra only managed to say that because of mixed emotions. Surprise, confusion, and happiness. Asami just smiled and hugged Korra. The avatar hugged her back.

"I missed you." Korra whispered.

"I missed you too." Asami said. They broke the hug and faced their parents.

"We know sweetie. Asami told us everything." Tonraq said. The two girls smiled. Hiroshi stood up and offered her hand to Korra.

"Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra. You can call me dad also. And welcome to the family." He said. Korra took his hand. He hugged his daughter-in-law and rubbed her head.

"I didn't know that my soon-to-be daughter-in-law was the avatar. I only knew she was a bender." Hiroshi said. they all laughed.

"Now that you knew you'll marry each other, can you forget all the things happened in the past?" Tonraq asked the young ladies. Asami and Korra looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes, sir. I mean dad. I don't care anymore if she was a bender or the avatar. I love your daughter.. so much." Asami said while looking straight at Korra's eyes. Korra laughed a little before she wiped off her tears.

"Don't make me cry Ms. Sato. You know that I love you too." Korra said smiling. The heiress giggled as she pulled Korra closer to her for a passionate kiss.


Yay! I can't stop smiling while writing this. Hahaha. So what do you think? Comment and vote 😁👇👇

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