Chapter 31: Giving up

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Few days have passed since that awkward 'Double Date' between the brothers and the ex-couple. Bolin and Mako stayed in Asami's place because the heiress invited them to. Korra knew about it because Bolin continued to visit her in the Air Temple Island.

One day Bolin agreed to hangout with Mako and Asami since Korra was not feeling well. He offered to stay with Korra and take care of her but the avatar said that he must enjoy his personal life. Although Bolin was against in his brother and Asami's 'relationship', he just kept it himself. He didn't want to come with them but he has no choice because he didn't want to get bored himself. So he just stand there while his brother was making stupid moves to the heiress. They're in the park near the lake when Mako asked him.

"Bolin, would you mind to get us some bottled water?" The earth bender just gave him a glare. "Fine." He said before he left the two alone. "Now they treated me like their servant. Seriously?" Bolin said with irritation to himself while walking to the store. He bought three mineral waters and he was just headed back to the two when he saw his brother, pulled Asami to his body and kissed her in the lips. Bolin's eyes widened and he even covered his mouth. The heiress looked surprised also but she didn't complain. Mako wrapped his arms around Asami's waist and closed his eyes. The CEO did not move and stayed in her place, widening her eyes.

"Oh boy. This is not good Korra." Bolin whispered as he ran away headed to the nearest ferry and rented a boat to the Air Temple Island. As he reached the island, Bolin nervously headed to the living room. He saw Tenzin and the others doing different things. Tenzin looked at him and smiled.

"Oh hi, Bolin. Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Tenzin asked. The earth bender sighed before he continue.

"I hate being the carrier of bad news but, I think Asami and Mako were together." Bolin said almost whispering. Tenzin gasped.

"H-How can you tell that?" Tenzin asked worriedly.

"I saw them kissing in the park. Where's Korra?"

"She's in her room. But do you think it's good for her to know?" Kya said.

"Whether it's good or not, she needs to know. I don't want her to assume." Bolin said seriously and walked towards Korra's room. He opened the door and found the avatar playing with her bending. Korra quickly looked at him surprised.

"Bolin? What are you doing here?" Korra said confused. Tenzin and the others followed him and entered Korra's room. The avatar looked at them very confused.

"What's wrong? Why are you all here?" She asked. The earth bender sighed.

"K-Korra. I'm sorry but I think there's no chance for Asami to come back to you." bolin said nervously. The avatar sat up and frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw her and Mako kissing." Bolin said. Korra collapsed on her bed. She held her head and started to cry hard. Bolin rushed to her and hugged her tight.

"N-No.. Bo-Bolin. you're joking right?" Korra said between her sobs. She even made a fake laugh.

"I'm sorry, Korra." Bolin said sadly to his best friend. The earth bender became teary eyed because of pity for Korra. She really love Asami. But now, she's gone. She's happy with Mako.


Bolin stayed at the Air Temple Island for a few hours. Korra told him to leave her alone. He's still worried about his friend. Korra's sick and now she knew that her loved ones was with other man. It might affect her health.

Korra got up from her bed and wiped off her tears. She thought of one thing that really hurt her so bad. But she has to do it. Asami will never be hers again. She's with Mako now and she's happy. So she decided to talk to Bolin. The avatar made her way to the living room and saw Bolin sitting on the couch.


The earth bender jumped because of shock but quickly faced her.

"Korra! A-Are you okay?" Bolin said worried.

"I'm okay, Bo. I-I want you to send a message for Asami." Korra said sadly. She released a deep sigh before she continued. "Tell her I'm sorry. And I'll never bother her again. I will let her go if she wants to." Korra said while crying quietly. Bolin felt really pity to his best friend. She seemed very in love with the heiress but she left her. And she has to deal with it.

"Are you sure?" Bolin said.

"I had no choice, Bo." Korra said while sobbing. The earth bender just pulled her in and hugged her tight. the avatar returned the embrace and cried on Bolin's shoulder. Korra broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"Go, please t-tell her. I'll be okay." Korra said as she walked back to her room. Bolin just watched her enter her room. The earth bender sighed before he left the temple headed to the city.


Short chapter but hope you like it ^^ what do you think? 😂 Comment and Vote ;))

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