Chapter 45: Wedding Day ❤️ (Part One)

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**After one week**

"Korra, sweetie. Wake up! It's your Wedding day!" Senna whispered to her daughter's ear. The sleepy avatar yawned.

"Hmm. It's my wedding...-wait, It's my wedding!" Korra exclaimed as she happily jumped out of her bed and proceeded to the bathroom to prepare for their special day. Asami left the South Pole 2 days ago. Her father told her to go home before her wedding. There's a saying that the soon-to-be married couple should not see each other before their wedding. Senna giggled and started to prepare her daughter's gown. Later, there will be private stylists that'll come to help Korra put some makeup. They will also assist her to wear her gown. Korra can't stop smiling at the bathroom just thinking that they have a big day ahead. A special one. It's just that, after all the things happened between them in the past, their love find it's way to get back together. As they say, Love is unstoppable. You can't fight it nor control it. She was so thankful that she had Asami. God knows how much she loves her.


Everybody was busy preparing the Air Temple Island for the wedding of the avatar. They're doing it secretly from the people of the Republic City. Except for the President of course. He agreed to Hiroshi's plan to introduce the avatar to the city as his daughter's wife. Carrying their respective name, "Sato". Hiroshi filed a vacation leave at work for them as well as an excuse to their employees. Asami was preparing at the temple. She couldn't do it at their mansion because probably their maids and butlers will be confused why she's getting married. Mako and Bolin stayed at the temple also to help. The wedding was scheduled perfectly and will start at 4:00 in the afternoon. It's 12:00pm now and there's still 4 more hours to prepare but the brides started their makeovers. Specially Korra because they still have a long journey to the city.

"Mako, have you seen Asami?" Bolin asked his brother after talking to a white lotus guard to make sure that the citizens of Republic City wouldn't see anything from the wedding.

"She's in her room of course. The private stylists her father hired for them arrived just before you asked me. And probably she also sent stylists to the Southern Water Tribe for Korra." Mako said.

"Okay everyone. Everything was settled down. You should get some rest for the wedding later." Tenzin announced. Everyone stopped working and headed to their respective rooms. And the guards continued to stroll around for the safety. Bolin headed to the Engineer's room just to see the soon-to-be Mrs. Avatar Korra. The earth bender slowly opened the door and peeked in. The heiress looked at him and smiled. She nodded to him as a sign that he can enter.

"Hey, Asami. How are you feeling?" Bolin asked as he walked beside her. The stylists are fixing her hair while she put her makeups herself.

"Well, of course excited and... a bit nervous." Asami said and stopped putting eyeliner to talk to Bolin.

"What? Why? You're getting married in just a few more hours. You should be happy!" Bolin exclaimed. The heiress just sighed.

"Of course I'm happy. Very happy. It's just that.. what if Korra changed her mind? What if she'll not showed up later in our wedding?" Asami asked. Bolin just laughed at her.

"Come on Asami. Do you really think Korra's that type of person? She loves you. And if you love her too, stop hesitating and trust her. She will show up later okay?" Bolin said as he tapped the bride's shoulder.

"You're right. Thanks Bolin."

"No problem. So, I'll be going. Should be preparing to be handsome later. See ya!" Bolin jokingly said as he winked at Asami. The heiress just laughed and rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile ...

Korra wasn't able to control her nervousness. She also had the same feelings as her fiancé-that what if they've changed their minds. Senna noticed this because Korra's biting her lip. Senna decided to stay in her daughter's room to spend some time while her daughter's still not married. Because probably after their marriage, she would move in to Asami's mansion.

"Sweetie, relax. I told you Asami wouldn't do that." Senna stated. Earning a glare from her daughter.

"W-What if she is? What if she realized she didn't loved me the way I did?" Korra asked. Senna sighed and walked over to her daughter's chair. She touched her cheek and looked straight in her eyes.

"Stop your 'what ifs'. Stop worrying, okay? Asami loved you the way you did. Just trust her and think positive." Senna said. Korra sighed and smiled.

"Now release that emotion and smile. Your makeup would be smudged. Unless you wanted to look like a zombie in your own wedding." Senna said teasing her daughter. The avatar just pouted and rolled her eyes. Her mother just laughed because of her childishness.

So there's part two! Sorry guys for waiting. But please do tell me what do you think. Comment and vote. 😊😊

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