Chapter 26: I won't give up (Part two)

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Korra woke up in her room. There was a wet towel in her forehead and a bowl of water in the side table. Korra slowly sat up, only to feel her head hurt again. Pema walked in, surprised to see that the avatar was awaken.

"K-Korra. Don't make such movements. You need to rest." Pema said accompaning Korra to sit properly.

"I-I'm fine Pema. My head just hurt a little but no need to worry." Korra said. Pema touched her forehead and sighed for relief.

"Thank goodness. Your fever went down. Are you hungry? Come on, eat breakfast."

"Uhm. Y-Yeah. My stomach's already complaining." Korra jokingly said.

"So are you planning to talk to Asami again? What did she say?" Pema asked. The waterbender looked down.

"She told me that we broke up. and she don't want to talk to me again." Korra said. the non-bender just rubbed her back.

"It's okay Pema. I don't blame her." The avatar said sadly.

"Alright. Eat breakfast then go rest again." Pema reminded her. Korra just nodded lazily.


"Tenzin? I'm going to Asami again." Korra said as she opened the door of his room. The airbender frowned.

"What?! Korra, no. You need rest first." Tenzin said

"I'm fine Tenzin. Don't worry. " The avatar said and walked away. The airbender face-palmed because of the avatar's attitude. She's really hard-headed.

"Naga, come on girl. We're leaving." The polar bear dog stood up as she saw her owner. The white lotus accompanied them to the city. They hopped out of the boat and headed to the Future Industries Tower. She saw the heiress' Satomobile; since it's nearly lunch time, she waited for Asami outside the building.


"Finally, Lunch time!" the Sato said with relief and stretched her hands. Finally, she can relax. The CEO fixed her things and envelopes in her desk. Getting ready to leave, she remembered Korra. She remembered that Korra got sick last night. Is she okay? She thought. the non-bender shook her head.

"No. I shouldn't be worrying about her." She said. She get her keys in her pocket and played with her fingers. As the Sato reached the ground floor, she was greeted by several employees. Her eyes met her car-not just her car, there was the avatar leaning against it while her eyes closed. She didn't see the heiress approaching but she felt someone's presence by her earthbending. She opened her eyes and saw the CEO staring at her. She quickly stood up and rubbed her nape.

"A-Asami." She said nervously.

"What are you doing here?" The heiress asked sarcastically.

"P-please Asami. Let me explain." The avatar said. The CEO just stared at her for a few minutes and rolled her eyes. She just opened the door of her car and got in. She started the engine and the avatar panicked.

"Wait. Asami, don't leave me. Please I can't lose you." Korra said, her eyes got watery. The heiress coldly looked at her.

"I wish you realized that before you fooled me." The non-bender said and she drove away. Korra tried to follow her, but the heiress drove faster for her to get away. Korra stopped at the middle of the road crying and shouting Asami's name. Some of the people shouted at her to go away. But suddenly her polar bear dog arrived and threatened the people surrounding her owner. The people got scared and stayed away from them. Naga licked Korra's cheek. The avatar smiled weakly and got into naga's back.

"Come on girl. Let's get out of here." korra said. The polar bear dog growled and ran away. Korra just laid down on Naga and cried in her back. Naga felt that her owner was crying. She ran faster and after a few minutes she stopped.

"Naga, Why have we stopped? Where are-..." The avatar didn't continue what she was saying when she saw that her polar dog brought her to the park. She get off of Naga and stared at the bench when she and her ex-girlfriend met. she smiled bitterly at her pet and caressed it's head.

"Why did you bring me here, girl? Do you really want me to cry?" The avatar said jokingly while her tears continued to fall from her cheeks. Naga pushed her to sat on the bench. Korra smiled and closed her eyes.

"Naga, do I need to give up? Do I need to let her go? I'm tired girl." The avatar said sadly. The polar bear dog just rested her head on Korra's lap.


Hey guys. Sorry for slow update. :D hope you like it. please comment and vote <3

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