Chapter 37: Wise Words

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"Are you serious dad? It's 3 years from now. And you wanted to prepare it already?" Korra asked her father annoyingly. Tonraq sighed.

"No I'm not. This is your father-in-law's idea. He wants to make sure that the wedding will happen no matter what." The chief explained. The avatar just rolled her eyes. This morning they've received an album with pictures of different gowns and tuxedos. In case that Korra can choose what she wants to wear.

"Come here, sweetie. This one suits you." Senna said excitedly while looking at the album. Korra snorted and rolled her eyes.

"I'll just go to Katara." Korra said. "Come on, girl." the polar bear dog just followed her owner. Tonraq and Senna just watched her walked away.

As she reach Katara's hut, she knocked first.

"Katara? Are you there?" Korra whispered.

"I'm here Korra. Come in." she heard the expert water bender replied. She slowly opened the door and saw Katara drinking tea.

"So what makes you here?" Katara said sweetly.

"Well, I'm just looking for someone that I can talk to." Korra said sadly.

"What seems to be the problem?" Katara asked facing her.

"Well, it's about the w-wedding." Korra started. The water bending master sighed.

"You still don't want to do it right?"

"Y-Yes. I do love someone else." Korra said almost whispering.

"Wow. Who's the lucky man?" Katara said smiling.

"Uhh. Actually.... She." Korra said while caressing her nape. Katara raised an eyebrow and stared at the Avatar for a few minutes. Korra awkwardly looked away. It's really an awkward situation but Katara broke it. She laughed a little and cleared her throat.

"Oh. I understand. Why don't you tell your parents? I'm sure they'll understand too." Katara said.

"That's the problem. Even though I tell them, she already loved someone else. She broke up with me because I lied to her." Korra explained.

"Oh, she's your girlfriend huh?"

"Used to." Korra said almost whispering.

"I'm listening." Katara said and sipped to her drink. Korra got what she wants to tell so she continued.

"I didn't tell her I was the avatar because she hated benders. I was too afraid to lose her. that's why I did that. And she too, was involved in a fixed marriage with a girl. Just like me. But now, she's in a relationship with Mako. Remember him?" Korra said. Katara laughed.

"That Fire bender with shark eyebrows who's courting you before? Of course." Katara said then laugh again. Korra just rolled her eyes.

"Do you feel she still loves you?" Katara asked.

"I-I don't know. I don't think so. She looked happy with Mako." Korra said.

"You know Korra, Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it. Yes, She looked happy with that boy, but what if her heart stays loyal to you? You may never know." Katara said smiling. Korra bowed her head and quickly swiped the tears that was about to escape from her eyes.

"I tried to win her back. But she was so angry with me." Korra replied.

"But you gave up easily. You even changed yourself. Do you know how much pain can cause that to her? She may think it's her fault that you've changed."

"Wait. How do you know I've changed?" Korra asked confused.

"It doesn't matter Korra. You know, if she still loves you when she broke up with you, your disappearance from the city for six months could've really hurt her. Once you love a person, you two were like holding a rubber band at both ends; and when one leaves, it hurts other. You left Republic City, Korra. And you didn't even bother to talk to her when you're back. Try to think of it Korra." Katara said encouraging the avatar.

"Thank you, Katara. But it's no use now. I've already agreed to the marriage and there's nothing to do with it." Korra said sadly. "I'll be going now." the avatar added. She was about to open the door when Katara called her.

"Korra, love is like heaven. But it can hurt like hell. If you marry someone you never loved, how can you be happy in your future? It was also like the water we bend. We can fall in it, we can drown in it, and we can't live without it." Katara added. Korra cried quietly while listening to Katara's last advice. It really helped her to understand more but it also hurts her. Because maybe she was right. The avatar didn't respond and just leave Katara.


Hi guys. Really loved Katara's words. 😭👏 what do you think? Comment and vote ;)

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