Chapter 3: So it's a Date (POVs)

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Hi guys! Thanks to all who were patiently waiting for my updates! Love you all. :*


Korra's POV

Did I really told myself that I liked this girl? Yeah. Fine. I'm not actually sure if there's a romantic issue but... What am I thinking? We're both girls. Ugh.

"Hey, Korra. I'm talking to you."

I came back to reality when Asami spoke. I think she's talking the whole time and I'm just here staring at her like an idiot.

"Uhm. What's that again?" I asked her but she giggled and shook her head.

"Are you even listening to me?" She giggled. Gosh she's so damn pretty.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and caressed my nape again.

"It's okay. I said, I owe you a lot last time. And I just wanted to treat you for that."

"Okay? That would be great. "

"Uhm. Tomorrow at Kwangs Gu Restaurant 7:00pm. "

"W-wait. I don't have clothes to wear in that classy place. " I said in embarassed expression. Hey, I'm not a rich kid!

"Don't worry, Korra. I'll take care of it. All you need to do is to show up."

"Uhm. Okay. Thanks."

"Well, I need to go back to my work now. Nice meeting you again Korra." Then she smiled. Gosh. That smile.

"O-okay. See you tomorrow Asami."

"So, it's a date?" My eyes widened as she said that it was a 'date'. I think I'm blushing right now! Urgh.

"D-date? Well, Yeah. I guess it's a date. " then I looked down. Can't let her see my blushing face.

"Haha! You're actually cute when you're blushing. Bye Korra."

"Bye Asami."

I just watched her walk away but she looked back to me and... winked? I suddenly looked away. I felt butterflies flying in my stomach. I'm blushing so hard! I walked around to find Naga and I found her in the river near the park fishing.

"Naga! Come on, girl! We're going home! "


Asami's POV

I'm so excited tomorrow! Finally, we have a time to spend together. I want to know more about her. Well, I hope she's not a bender or else. I just arrived here at the company's building and some guards and employees greeted me. I can't imagine what will happen tomorrow night. I'm just really excited. Now I can't focus myself for work because of her. I remembered what she said before. I was in her mind since we met? And I'm driving her crazy? Its kinda weird for a girl to say that to another girl but it made me smile. Specially when we shake our hands she blushed a lot. And I found it pretty and cute. I felt 'something' about her but I don't know what it is. But that 'thing' made me shiver in a good way. I'm kinda smiling like a crazy woman.

"Ms. Sato?"

I came back to reality when one of my employees called me.

"I'm sorry, what's it? " I asked while still smiling.

"Are you okay Ms. Sato? You're smiling by yourself. " he asked with confused look.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just remembered someone. "

"Oh. I see. By the way here's the blue prints of different bridges around the Republic City that we built last month. "

"Okay. Let me see that. " he handed me the papers and I told him to leave.

Korra's POV

As I reached the Air Temple Island, Tenzin was looking at me with his eyebrows raised. Nah. Here we are again.


"Chill tenzin. We went to Republic City." I told him with bored expression.


"Tenzin! Relax! We just strolled around the park and no one knows I'm the avatar!" I said then went straight to my room. Why is he so angry? I laid in my bed and I remembered Asami. Clearly I was always smiling out of no where because of her. Whenever I remembered her face, her smile, it made me smile too. Maybe because I like her. But, why did I liked her? I'm a girl. I supposed to like boys but I don't. Mako is handsome but I can't feel any 'spark' from him. I felt this weird 'spark' when Asami hugged me the first time we met. When she offered me to eat with her in a classy restaurant, my heart beats fast as if it's celebrating. What am I thinking? A heart celebrating? Tsk. I'm crazy. She really made me crazy. But I found this weird feeling cute.


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