Chapter 7: Friends

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Asami broke her hug with Korra's waist. She wiped off her tears and looked at the avatar.

"I'm sorry. I can't control myself. " Asami said. The Avatar sat again and hold the heiress' hand. "I understand you. " Korra smiled. "I think I can help you. You mind to come with me for a while? " The avatar asked Asami. The CEO looked at her and gave a curious look. "Where are we going?" "To the place where I used to go when I'm sad." The heiress smiled "So, where exactly is this place?" "Umm. At the park?" The young avatar looked down with embarassment. Asami laughed a little because of that avatar's expression. "Okay. But its already late." She can saw the disappointment on Korra's eyes and she doesn't want to make her sad. "But, Who cares? Come on." The heiress said as she stood up and grabbed the avatar's hand and they left the room.

Asami told Korra to changed clothes first before they go to the park. As they're ready, Asami started the engine and began to drive. While on their way, the avatar couldn't stop staring at the heiress' beautiful face. "Are you melting me with that stare? " Asami said while smirking. The avatar's eyes widened and she looked away. "Hey, I was just joking." Korra turned to her and smiled. "We're here. So what are we going to do here?" Korra just looked around and painted a wide smile on her face. "Come on 'sami. Follow me! " the avatar said as she jumped off the car and ran somewhere excitedly. Asami shooked her head and giggled. 'Sami huh? She whispered to herself. No one had been gave her a nickname except for Korra. She went out of the Satomobile and followed Korra's footsteps. When she can't find Korra, she called her. "Korra! Where are you? " But no response. Its dark in that part of the park and she's starting to get scared. "Korra! Hey! Where are you?!" But still no answer. She suddenly heard footsteps behind her. She got scared and she was about to run when someone cover her eyes with it's hand. Then it giggled. She sighed because she recognize that voice and it was just Korra. The avatar removed her hands and she giggled again. The heiress slapped the avatar's shoulder a little. "Ow. What was that for? " Korra asked "You scared me!" Asami said pouting. Korra laughed and pinched Asami's cheek. "Haha. You're Cute when you do that. Come on 'sami. " the avatar grabbed the heiress' hand and she brought her in a clean beautiful river. The heiress' eyes widened because of amazement. "Here is the place where I only brought someone special for me." The avatar said. Asami stared at her. "I guess I'm lucky enough to be one of them." The heiress smiled. "Actually, you're the first." Asami was surprised to know that she's the first person that Korra brought to that place. "Why am I the first?" The avatar smiled and looked at her. "You're my first friend here at the city. So you're supposed to be special for me now."


Hey guys. Sorry it took me long to update. There's so many projects in school. :3 Hope you understand. Thanks for waiting. Please comment and vote.

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