Chapter 42: Surprise (Part One)

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Two weeks have passed and Asami came back to normal. Not just to her normal self. She became excited and energetic these past few days. The brothers were already suspecting because the heiress acted so weird. But they ignored it, maybe because her birthday was coming this week. Monday morning, Asami went out of her room with a big smile on her face. She headed to the kitchen and saw Mako and Bolin cooking some pancakes.

"Good morning, guys!" Asami exclaimed as she laughed. The brothers looked at her as if they saw a ghost. The CEO glared at them and raised her eyebrow.

"What?" Asami asked confused.

"You're acting weird again, 'sami." Bolin said as he put the pancakes on the table. The heiress sighed.

"Korra used to call me with that nickname." She said calmly. The brothers were totally jaw-dropped. She just started to mention Korra for the very first time and she didn't cry?! Asami looked at the surprised brothers. She just smiled and eat the pancakes. Bolin whispered to his brother while still staring at the smiling CEO.

"Bro, I think we've lost the real Asami." Bolin said.

"Yeah, is this an impostor?" Mako said. Asami heard them. She just laughed.

"What's happening to you? I'm Asami, the one and only." Asami said happily. You will know why, Soon.. Asami thought smiling. The brothers exchanged glances from each other while they awkwardly sit in the dining table. Asami was just really weird. It started when she came home from the hospital. They even suspected that the doctors gave her a weird drug that made her like that. They confronted the heiress, but she just laughed at them. Even her father noticed it, but he's not bothered. He knows why.


"Korra, sweetie? Can we talk? We have an important thing to tell you." Senna called as she knocked on her daughter's room. Korra just sighed and walked through the door. She opened it and smiled. They headed to the living room where her father was waiting for them. She sat on the couch while her mother sat beside her husband.

"So Korra. You're meeting her this coming Friday." Tonraq started. Korra's eyes went wide.

"You mean my fiancé?" Korra said. She wasn't happy about it anymore because of her last talk with Asami. But a part of her was a bit excited. She didn't know why. Her parents nodded.

"It was her birthday, and she decided to celebrate it with you. Her father agreed. They'll come here to fetch you." the southern chief said. Korra just rolled her eyes.

"We should prepare now." Tonraq said excitedly. Korra snorted.

"Dad, it's Monday today. They're coming here on Friday. Why are you that excited?" Korra said crossing her arms.

"Aren't you excited? She's gonna be your wife, sweetie." Senna said. Korra just looked away. her parents exchanged glances.

"I thought you accepted her." Tonraq said sadly. Yes, she accepted her. She agreed to the marriage-Before. But after she saw Asami, she began to think about it. Is she ready to let Asami go? She didn't answered her father. She just stood up and went back to her room.

Why am I feeling this? I still love you, Ms. Sato.


Sorry for short chapter. MWAHAHAHA I'm a cliffhanger. lol. The next chapter will be the part two. Soo, tell what do you think? Comment and vote. 😁👇👇

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