Chapter 47: Honeymoon ❤️

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"So, where'd you guys wanted to spend your honeymoon?" Hiroshi asked the newly wedded couple.

"Well dad, We're thinking about spending it on our house in the Fire Nation." Asami stated earning a surprised look from her father.

"Are you sure?" Hiroshi asked. The CEO smiled as she glanced at her wife who's just listening to their conversation.

"Yes dad. It'll be perfect. Right, Korra?" Assmi said as she hold Korra's hand.

"Of course." Korra replied.

"Then I'll arrange everything for your vacation. When do you want to leave?"

"Uhh. Maybe tomorrow dad?" Asami stated. Hiroshi smiled and stood up.

"Okay. You better go to your room and pack your clothes for tomorrow. I'll set an Airship for your trip tomorrow." Hiroshi said before he left the couple alone and headed to his room.

Korra's now staying at Asami's mansion after their wedding. Her parents let her to stay because she's her wife now.

"So, is it really okay if we go to the Fire Nation?" Asami asked her wife while heading to their room.

"Of course. I'm okay with that." Said Korra, smiling sweetly at her wife.

"Okay, we better pack some clothes and take a rest for tomorrow." Asami stated, opening their room with a king-size bed. The avatar just smiled and thought about what's gonna happen tomorrow at their honeymoon. I mean, they must do the 'thing' because they're married. And all the married couples are doing that kind of thing.


"Mako! I was right about it Am I?" Bolin asked, trying to open a topic with his brother while they're watching the ocean. The fire bender looked at his brother.

"Right about what?" Mako said. Facing his younger brother.

"About Asami's fiancé. I knew it was Korra." Bolin stated still staring at the waves in the ocean. Mako released a deep breath.

"I'm surprised too when Mr. Sato announced that Asami's getting married... with Korra." Mako said with sadness in his voice. Bolin frowned and looked at his brother, confused.

"Why are you sad? Don't tell me..." Bolin said staring at his brother trying to read what's on his mind. Mako just glanced at him and quickly looked away. Bolin's eyes went wide as he slightly punched his brother's shoulder.

"Oh man, you still have feelings for Asami don't you?" Bolin stated while crossing his arms. Mako sighed.

"Yeah. And I know this might sound selfish and stupid, but, I'm happy as well as you know, I felt down and sad as the priest stated that they're now Mrs. and Mrs. Sato. I even wanted to shout that I object to their marriage when the priest asked but I, can't do it." Mako confessed. Bolin just stared at him like he was a criminal or something.

"You stupid jerk, how could you think of that during your friends' wedding?! I can't believe it bro. I can't believe you thought that!" Bolin exclaimed as he stood up and walked away from his brother. Yes, he's angry at him. Of course, the girls were his best friends. And he can't believe that his brother tried to stop their wedding. Mako didn't follow his brother. He needs time to think and move on. He just can't believe that the two women who came in his life dated each other and now, they're married. He keeps asking himself that what's with Korra that he doesn't have himself? Why did Asami chose her over him? He just laughed at himself. I guess I'm not good as I thought. Mako whispered to himself as a tear escaped from his eye.


**Next Day**

"Korra, wake up honey. We have a long journey today. We can sleep in the airship later while on the way." Asami whispered to Korra's ears. Korra just moaned and opened her left eye. But quickly closed it again. Asami smiled and started to draw circles on Korra's arms as she whispered.

"Korra. Come on.." Asami whispered seductively.

"Stop it 'sami. Or else we'll do it now." Korra whispered in her pillows. Smiling slightly. Asami laughed a little.

"Come on, let's eat. I know you're hungry." Asami whispered back smirking. Her lips touching Korra's ears as she spoke. Korra can feel her warm breath in her ears. She faced Asami and pulled her closer forcefully that made Asami fall on top of her. Their faces were only inches apart. Korra was now smirking and Asami was blushing.

"Are you trying to seduce me babe?" Korra said smirking as she moved her face closer to Asami's. Their noses touched. Asami's eyes went wide as she blushed harder.

"K-Korra.." She whispered. The avatar smiled and kissed her softly in the lips.

"Come on, you said we need to go?" Korra stated holding Asami's cheeks. Her eyes full of love and respect for the heiress. The young engineer smiled back and stood up. Korra lazily sat up in their bed as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Take a shower then go downstairs to eat. The airship arrived earlier. I'll take our belongings there." Asami before she opened the door.

"Wait, Let me do it later. Eat your breakfast okay?" Korra said while looking at her wife. The heiress smiled.

"Fine. Go and prepare yourself sweetie. I'll just in the kitchen." Asami said as she shut the door and left Korra. The avatar smiled and made her way to the bathroom.


"Alright, that's all. Come on Asami we're leaving." Korra stated as she came back inside the house to call Asami. She saw her wife hugging her father.

"Be careful on the Fire Nation okay? Enjoy your honeymoon." Hiroshi stated as he accompanied the girls to the airship. The couple just smiled at him.

"Enjoy your vacation girls." Hiroshi said. He looked at Korra then he smirked. Korra raised an eyebrow as if asking what he meant. Hiroshi just winked at her. Then she realized what he's trying to say. Korra blushed at the thought.

After 3 hours of journey, they finally arrived at the Sato's vacation house in the Fire Nation. As they stepped out on the airship, Korra was jaw-dropped. The mansion was bigger than the other in the City. It looks nice and new. Even better, there was a beach right behind the mansion. Perfect for a summer vacation.

"Let's get inside." Asami stated as she opened the door of the mansion. The pilot of the airship helped them to bring inside all of their belongings.

"Ms. Sato, I mean Mrs. Sato, I'll be back after two days to fetch you." The pilot said as he left the two alone. The couple headed to their room and started to unpack their things. The bed was full of rose petals and forming a big heart. Asami smiled and sat down.

"It's nearly noon. I'm tired. Can we go sleep now?" Asami said as she laid down in the bed. Korra smirked. She held both Asami's hands and placed herself on top of the heiress. Asami was surprised and blushed because of what Korra did.

"Not so fast sweetie." Korra whispered in her ear as she she started to put small kisses on her ear down to her neck. The engineer was breathing heavily. She didn't know what to do. She's nervous but she trust her wife. Korra started to undress her slowly. Asami didn't refused. She loves Korra and she knows that Korra loves her too. So she wholeheartedly gave her body to her wife. They spend the whole night doing the 'thing'.

"I love you Korra. You and me.. are already one."

Yay! Sorry for the slow update. A big shout out for the last chapter of the story!^o^ I'll be updating soon. Thank you guyss. Please comment and vote :))

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