Chapter 6: Dinner Date (Asami's Sorrow)

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Korra blushed as Asami complimented her. "You're beautiful too. " The avatar responded and smiled. The heiress smiled and offer her to seat. The young avatar sat down and looked over the place. Wow. So Romantic. She thought. She didn't knew if she's the only one who thinks that their place was so romantic. Who could resist? Its a candle light dinner. There's three men playing violin and creates a peaceful rhythm that made the avatar's body shivered.

As their food came, Asami broke the silence.

"So, where have you been?" the CEO said as she ate the appetizer. The young avatar looked at her and she remembered she was late. "O-oh! I'm sorry. I'm kinda lost looking for this restaurant." Korra answered. "Its okay. Atleast you came. " Asami said and she smiled. Korra's eyes widened because that was the sweetest smile she'd ever seen. She looked down and just eat. She's trying to hide her blush but its too late. The heiress already noticed it.
"Korra. Are you okay? You're turning red. " Said the CEO in worried tone. "I'm fine. " Korra answered.


As they finished their meal, Asami began to open a new topic.

"So, I'm full. Wanna have some chat? "  korra smiled and said "Sure. " the avatar stared at the heiress. Just by staring at the lady, she felt her heart was beating fast. She remembered what Pema told her before. That's the sign when people are inlove. But how could she fell inlove with this girl? She doesn't believed in love at first sight. Maybe she just liked her; crush for short.

"Ah! I know. How about, we tell stories about ourselves? " Asami told her excitedly. She felt nervous because how can she tell stories if no one knows she's the avatar? Tenzin would be mad if he knew korra told someone about her status. The avatar smiled and said "You go first. " Asami began to tell Korra about herself.

"When I was a kid, my mother died. She was killed by several benders. The police said that the benders who killed my mom are my father's enemy in business. I couldn't believe why they killed my mom just because of business. My father is one of the richest people in the Republic City. So when I reached 15, my father enrolled me in a training school. He made sure that I can protect myself. But that doesn't changed anything. My mom is gone and she'll never be back. "

Asami began to teary eyed. She couldn't fight her emotions when it comes to her mother. The avatar panicked because she don't know what to do. Korra just hold Asami's hand in the table. The heiress looked at her and all she saw was a pair of blue eyes full of concern. She squezzed the avatar's hand and smiled a little. Asami's expression changed from sadness to anger.

"That's why I hated all the benders in the world. I don't let any benders to touched me or went near me. They're killers! They killed my mom! " then asami burst out of her sadness. She cried a lot. The avatar stood up and hugged Asami. The heiress wrapped her arms around Korra's waist. She let the heiress cry in her stomach. She felt sorry for her friend. The avatar began to get nervous because of what Asami said. She hated all the benders? How could I tell her I'm the Avatar?


Hey guys! Some wrong grammars I think.hahaha.  sorry for that. Hope you like it! Please comment and vote ;)

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