Chapter 15: Love is in the Air ♥

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The officially confirmed couple are now heading back to the Future Industries Tower. On their way back, they shared laughter and love from each other. They even held each other's hand. As soon as they arrived, they stepped out of the car and entered the building. They're still holding their hands while on their way to Asami's office. As they arrived, Korra looked around in the office. Asami can see amazement in the eyes of her new girlfriend while looking around. She smiled and walked towards her girlfriend and hugged her.

"Hey sweetie. What do you want to do tonight?" Asami asked kissing the avatar's neck. Korra faced her with a smirk. She stared at her girlfriend for a while and then realized what she was thinking.

"K-Korra? That's not what I meant you naughty girl." The heiress turned red just by the thought of something. Korra giggled and placed another soft kiss in Asami's lips. The heiress immediately responded to the avatar's kiss. After a few seconds of sharing a sweet kiss, their lips separated.

"Seriously Korra. What do you want?"

"To be with you is enough, Babe." Korra said seductively. Asami blushed. The avatar smirked at the sight of the heiress blushing so hard.

"Haha. Anywhere you want my love." The avatar said because she felt Asami shivered. Asami just smiled. Korra pulled her in for another kiss. As they broke the kiss, Asami jokingly slapped Korra's shoulder.

"Stop it sweetie. You're already enjoying to kiss me." Then Asami laughed.

"Of course I do, sweetie." Korra said as she winked.


The couple decided to go to the park where they first met each other. They stroll around the park holding each other's hand and ignoring the people around them. Some of the people stared at them. Who cares? They love each other and they're proud of it. Even if they don't confirmed their relationship themselves, their heart said it all.

"Hey 'sami? Can I ask you something?" Korra said while they sat on the grass beside the river.

"Of course my dear. What is it?"

"D-Did you ever had boyfriends before?" Korra asked nervously. Asami sighed before answering the question.

"Yeah. I had one before. He really hurt me."


"Usual story. He found someone new." Asami said. Smiling bitterly.

"Oh. What a jerk." Said the annoyed Korra.

"Yeah. I'm really glad I found you sweetie. " the heiress said as she kissed Korra in the cheeks.

"How about you? Do you had any?"

"Uhm. No not really. Only suitors." Then Korra smiled. The heiress smirked.

"Oohh. Suitors huh? I guess my girlfriend's really attractive." Asami said and pulled Korra for a kiss.

"Of course I am." Then Korra smirked too. The couple just spent their time together. It's already night and the couple said goodbye to each other and committed their second Iloveyou's. Korra went back to Air Temple Island and laid on her bed with a smile. This is the best day of my life. She thought before she fell asleep.


Next chapter will be the one that Korra will tell Asami something about her. I wonder what it is? Hahahaha Please comment and vote ;))

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