Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"Lee!  Someone's knocking at the door!"  Lizzie yells.

I carefully instructed her not to open the hotel door for anyone.  Thankfully she is following my one rule.  I pull my gray tank top over my bra and ring my hair out a final time. 

"Who is it?" I call leaving the bathroom, walking toward the door.

"Room service."  The person on the other side says.

I unlatch the door and let the man in.  He sets the tray up in the middle of the room in front of the TV.  I thank him and Lizzie emerges tentatively from behind the bed.  She takes the top of the plates and gasps. 

"I am so hungry.  Today has been super duper long."  I feel like now would be an appropriate time for her to completely wipe out in the fluffy hotel bed, but she doesn't.

Instead she snatches the remote control off of the dresser and starts clicking through the station.  When she is satisfied watching Shake it Up, she lifts her tray onto the bed and curls into the comforter.  I do the same, careful not to let the burger or fries fall off of the plate.  It is around nine-thirty and I'm not sure what time Lizzie's bedtime is. 

"It's vacation, so I don't have one."  She replies proudly, wiping the juice from her burger off of the side of her mouth with a napkin. 

  "Okay...but the television goes off at ten."  I tell her. 

She starts to whine, but then agrees.  While Lizzie watches her show I pull out my phone and check Tumblr and Instagram.  I alternate eating my giant burger and sending a text to Calum.  He doesn't reply.  I'm not sure if it should make me nervous or glad that he might be hanging out with William.  I finish my burgers and fries, slowly wanting to time my dessert with turning off the television so I only have to get up once.  When ten o'clock comes I click off the television and hand Lizzie her ice cream sundae.  Then I pick up my own enormous piece of chocolate cake.  We eat in silence for a couple minutes then I try to spark a conversation. 

"How's school?"  I immediately regret asking her.  No kid wants to talk about school on summer vacation. 

"'s good I guess."  She twirls a curl around her finger, placing the spoon back in her bowl. 

"You guess?"  I prompt, letting the chocolate-y goodness melt on my tongue.     

She pauses, "I mean, second grade is so much different from first.  And, at the end of school this boy I like got a girlfriend after I told him I liked him..."

"You like a boy?"  I squeal shifting in my bed to turn towards her.  "What's his name?  What's he like?"

"His name is Tucker," she smiles from ear to ear.  "He likes to play on the swing set and he can count all the way to negative fifty.  He is so perfect.  But I told him I liked him the last day of classes and he said that he was already dating Becky.  Which sucks, and now I'm not sure if they're still together.  But I'm not as pretty as her so maybe that's why he said no." 

"Lizzie, you're gorgeous.  He doesn't know what he's talking about.  Boys are stupid sometimes." 

This comment earns a small laugh, "You're saying that Calum's stupid." 

"Sometimes he is," I whisper, my hand over my mouth.

"How'd you guys meet?"  She asks, crossing her legs underneath the blanket.

I wipe my mouth with my napkin, wishing I had more cake.

"Umm...I was at a coffee shop and I spilled my drink on him...But then I actually met him when my mom went to meet the band." 

Lizzie, nods, but gets up to brush her teeth.  I do the same, tossing off the blanket then walk to the bathroom.  The tile is freezing against my bare feet, so I stand on my tippy toes as I brush my teeth.  We spit our mouth wash in the sink simultaneously and scurry back into the bedroom.  I click off the lights, not wanting to have to get up later.  I listen as Lizzie curls into her comforters and I do the same. 

"What's your favorite color?"  Lizzie asks, her voice one of the only sounds in the room. 

I turn to her, but can hardly see anything but her outline in the darkness.

"Blue, what about you?" 

"I like pink and green I think.  What's your favorite type of chocolate candy?"  She whispers again.

"What is this, twenty questions?"  I laugh.  "I really like all chocolate: Reese's, Rolos, Snickers. I'm like a vacuum. Why are you asking all these questions?"

"We're going to be sisters really soon, so I figured it'd be really weird if I didn't know anything about you."  She admits.

"Okay...I'll ask you ten questions then you get to ask me ten."  I tell her staring at the ceiling fan.  "Favorite restaurant?"


"Favorite season?"


"Umm...okay, favorite: class, sport, ice cream, breakfast food, book, place, milkshake, and...favorite candy."

"Okay.  I, soccer, vanilla, waffles, Harry Potter, Australia, vanilla, and Starbursts.  My turn my turn."

"Why are you getting so excited?"  I laugh, feeling my hand rise and lower on my stomach. 

"I never get to talk anyone but Will and Mom.  And Will is boring and mean and Mom isn't always around.  But now I get to talk to you.  And since we're sisters now I can call you and stuff. I want to know your favorite: movie, weather, sport, fruit, flower, TV show, hot drink..." She yawns loudly.  "That's all I can think of right now..."

"Okay.  Umm...The Breakfast Club, rain, track..." I pause, hearing the silence in the room.  "Liz?"  I whisper.

No reply, but she starts snoring lightly.  I turn over in my bed and close my eyes ready for sleep to take over.                   


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