Chapter 12

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Today, walking through the mob of fans, I feel more confident.  The chance I pass out is only fifty percent instead of ninety percent.  And I don't feel like throwing up.  When we make it inside, the fans are already lined up for the meet and greet my mom organized.  I can tell that the boys are a little tired, and I don't blame them.  Thankfully, they don't have a show tonight, so maybe they can catch up on some rest.  

"How long should this last?"  I ask, joining my mom in a private room, my stomach grumbling.    

"Two to three...four hours tops."  

"Four hours!"  I groan, plopping down on the sofa.

"Don't be so dramatic." 

I glance out the glass door at the line of fans waiting to meet the boys.  No one here would miss me.      

"Mom, I'm starving.  Can I step out for a quick fast food run?  I think I saw a McDonalds a couple blocks away." 

"Ummm..."  She doesn't look up from her phone.  "Sure.  Get me...Forget it.  Don't get me anything.  It's all processed crap."

"May I get you anything, Mrs. Hemmings?"

"No thank you, sweetie.  But I know the boys might be wanting some fast food; the room service is too sophisticated for their palettes."

"Okay," I laugh.  "I'll keep that in mind.  See you two soon."

"Daniela, she's such a sweet girl."  I hear Mrs. Hemmings say as I step out the door.

I exit the building through the back to the avoid the hoard of fans.  It's chilly outside, nothing like Australia.  I zip my jacket closed and tuck my hands into my pockets.  I remind myself that the McDonald's isn't too far away.

"Hi," I say, stepping up to the front glancing at the menu.  

"What can I get for you?"  The boy working the register asks.  

I think in my head, wondering how hungry the band would be, hoping that cold McDonald's would be appetizing, and order way more than I could eat on my own.  The boy raises his eyebrows at me, wondering how many mouths I'm trying to feed.

I smile and nod awkwardly as the boy swipes my card.  When my order is ready, I juggle the two bags in one arm and hold the drink tray in my other hand.  

When I get back to the venue–thankfully without dropping any of the food–I have a bit of trouble with security but eventually manage to gain access to the building.  The same security guard who tried to block me from entering leads me to the meet and greet.  

I slip in the crack between the posters behind their table and several girls in line scream.  They must think I'm a crazed fan.  The boys turn around, scared, to see what's going on.  When they see the McDonald's bag in my hand, they realize I'm not a threat.  

"Oh my god.  You brought us food!"  Ashton squeals.  

"I am starving.  Gimme."  Luke turns to me.

"One second, babe," Michael says to the girl he was talking to.

"Sorry.  I didn't mean to interrupt.  Liz said you'd be starving, and my mom said it would be fine."  I glance at the multitude of fans and try not to feel overwhelmed.  "Here."  I shove the bags and drink tray in Calum's arms. 

"Thank you, babe.  You're the best."  Calum calls as I walk away.

I smile and wave then disappear.  I dig into my chicken nuggets and pull out my phone when I get back to the room with my mom.  Toward the end of the three hour mark, my phone starts vibrating.  Seeing the caller ID, I decide to answer outside the room .  

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