Chapter 33

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                                                        Chapter 33

        I take a deep breath and sift through the mail: business, bank, business, junk, junk, magazines…Fabor.  My breath catches in my throat.  My dad is not home.  I scarcely saw him for the duration of April and May.  I mainly ordered takeout and watched TV.  I snatch the letter off of the counter and sprint to my room.  I search frantically for my phone, wanting to call Calum when I open the letter.  I find it tucked in one of my jacket pockets.  I cross my fingers as the phone rings.

        “Hello?!”  Calum asks, picking up on the third ring. 

        “Hey Cal, How are you?”  I ask, not wanting to rush right into the letter. 

        “Missing you.  But I’m good.  Writing is good.   How are you?”    

        “I’m good, you know.  Calum…I got another letter from Fabor.”  I say, my voice trailing off.

        “Lee.  That’s great, what does it say?  Is it good or bad?  Please tell me you’re going to uni.” 

        I balance the phone on my shoulder and play with the letter in my fingers. 

     “I just got it.  But I wanted to open it with you.  Not physically with you because you’re you Australia.  But, okay, I’m going to open it.” 

        I take a deep breath and close my eyes, then fumble with my finger underneath the fold of the envelope. 

        “Calum.  I’m in.”  I say, smiling from ear to ear.

        “Oh my gosh!”  Calum starts screaming on the other line. 

        I hear him get up and start jumping and running around.  My hand flies over my mouth and I blink back tears.  I am not a complete and utter disappointment to my parents. 

        “Cal, I’m gonna call my mom.”  I say.

        “Okay.  I am so happy for you and proud of you.  Bye.” 

        My mom is not as ecstatic, but I know she will have her own way of showing it at some point.  She is just glad that I will be going to college instead of becoming a stripper or a prostitute. 

        “Lee I am very proud of you…do you want to board a flight and come to Australia?  You could visit the band, I know they would love to see you, and I would love to see you before you go off to school.  Plus, someone needs to ship your stuff to school and it won’t be me.”

        “Really Mom?  You want me there?” 

       “Of course I do.  Plus there are a lot of other things we need to talk about.  I’ll have your father schedule your flight.”

        “I love you.”

        “Love you too,” she says before hanging up. 

        I hug my knees, holding my thighs securely to my chest.  A huge smile is playing on my face.  I rock back and forth, the phone and letter gripped firmly in my hand.  For the first time in a long time, it feels like everything is on track.  I frolic downstairs and decide to make dinner.  There is not a lot to work with so I decide to make linguini with white sauce and shrimp.  I play All American Rejects iTunes radio while I work.  The water begins boiling and I pour in the pasta, adding a dash of salt.  Then I prep the white sauce and the shrimp.  I set the dining room table formally for the first time in about three months.  Though I cannot legally drink, I pull out a bottle of red wine from the wine cellar.  I am ecstatic, drunk on my happiness.  The car pulls into the driveway, the gravel crunching under the wheels.  The front door opens and heavy footsteps walk towards the kitchen, probably following the scent and sound of sizzling. 

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