Chapter 22

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"Mom, what's the dress code for tonight?"  I ask, barging into her hotel room. 

"Haven't you been in your room?  I put out a dress and shoes for you.  Where've you been?"

"...I must have just...not been looking.  Thanks."

I close the door and head back to my room.  I plop down on my bed, slightly dreading the award show tonight.  Out the window, I can see both the modern and ancient buildings of Milan.  

When I worry that I won't have time to get ready, I force myself out of bed.  After my shower, I find the outfit my mom picked for me on top of my suitcase.  It makes me feel like a little kid who can't choose their own clothes.  I pull on the dress, which I wore at the Winter Formal my junior year–I didn't realize my mom had packed this.  I hadn't realized I would need it.       

It is a long, black number with an Angelina Jolie slit, long sleeves, and a v-neck.  

I go to the bathroom and do my make up: foundation, concealer, winged eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, blush, and deep purple lipstick.  With a little bit of hair mousse and my brush, I put my hair in a sleek high ponytail with two strands out to frame my face.  Earrings next: fake diamond studs in my lobes and a double hoop in my cartilage.  

Looking in the mirror, I think I'm done.  I bite my lip, and spin, hoping I am not too formal.  I shove all of my things into my suitcase, placing my pajamas on top, so I'll have an easy change after the show before the drive to Germany.  

I pull on my stilettos and take a deep breath.  Nerves are running through my body.  I haven't had this many butterflies since I first met the band.  I pinch my wrist, hoping to get rid of the jitters.  My body feels numb, but my head feels alive.  I see the black fuzzy spots when I stand up, and pull my suitcase behind me to the door.  I wave goodbye to the hotel room and knock on the door to the moms' room.  Liz opens the door.

"Hi," I smile, holding my phone behind my back.  

"Lee, you look...stunning."

"Thank you.  Are you not coming?"  I ask, glancing at her tee shirt and jeans.

"No, we're going to drive up to Germany before it gets late.  I hope you don't mind riding with the band and making sure they don't get themselves into trouble." 

"Oh, that's fine."

Behind Liz, my mom comes out of the bathroom in jeans and an oxford with a towel over her head.

"Hi, Lee."  She looks down at her watch.  "Wow, you guys should get going.  Tell the boys I called a cab for the five of you.  I thought it was classier than driving in a tour bus.  You look good.  Tell the guys to leave their stuff in the hotel room.  Liz has a key, we'll load it into their bus."

"Thank you."  I dip my head.  "Drive safely."

"Yes.  Be safe."

I hold the door as it closes and walk down the hallway to the band's room.  I tap my fist against the door rhythmically and wait for a response. 

"Coming...Shit."  One of the boys mumbles. 

The door opens and Luke is standing there, with his blonde hair quaffed up, in a white button down, black sports jacket, and black bow tie.  I spend the first several seconds looking at him, then my eyes shift to the floor. 

"Oh, sorry...come in.  You look gorgeous."  He steps out of the doorway and motions for me to enter. 

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself...umm...It's six, we should probably get a move on."

"Good plan.  Guys hurry up!" 

Michael rushes out of the room first, pulling on his black leather boots.  Then he fiddles with his tie.  Ten bucks says that they are all wearing black skinny jeans, hopefully with no holes in the knees.  Ashton is wearing a black vest, black tie, and that black hat with his curls pulled angelically onto his forehead.  Calum comes out, buttoning his white oxford underneath his black jacket, and his tie is slung across his shoulder.  He looks up, and my cheeks become a little flushed.

"You two lovebirds ready?"  Ashton asks, opening the door. 

I flip my ponytail over my shoulder and nod.  Calum comes behind me as we exit the room, and puts his arm around my waist. 

"You look...amazing."  He whispers.

"I feel overdressed."  I admit.  "And these heels are going to be torture." 

"If your feet start bleeding, I'll carry you back to the bus.  But the blue carpet is probably like, one hundred feet.  And there's no such thing as being overdressed."

"Or over educated!"  Luke chimes in. 

The elevator is small, or it is when, with one person wearing heels, all of its occupants are around or above six feet tall.  I look up at myself in the mirror on the ceiling.  This feels surreal.  Luke presses the ground floor button and the elevator starts moving.

"You guys all look nice."  I say, trying to start a conversation.

"I am rather dashing aren't I?"  Calum smirks and adjusts his tie.

Ashton giggles, tipping his hat.  

"I hate to tell you, Cal.  But I think your date looks hotter than you."  Michael tells him.

I smile and laugh, "I thought you guys were all going as each other's dates.  I'm just the tag along.  The fifth wheel.  I don't want to mess up your band dynamic."

"Lee, you're not the fucking tag along."  Luke says.  "One Direction has five members."

"Just pop out a couple hit singles, learn to play an instrument, and you're in."  Ashton jokes. 

My heels click along the linoleum hotel floors as we wave goodbye to the receptionists.  

"Fuck, it is fucking cold."  I exhale, when the cold Italian winter air hits my exposed leg. 

"Well damn.  Can't control the weather Lee."  Calum says, but pulls me closer to him.  "Do you need my jacket?"

"No, I'm fine." 

The five of us pile into the cab, one of the big ones with six seats, and the driver blasts the heat per my request.  It has that taxi smell, kind of like cigarettes and cleaning powder.

"So, what's this going to be like?"  I ask, trying to prep myself one last time. 

"'s going to be like an award show."  Ashton laughs.

"God, Ashton.  I'm sorry that I haven't been to an award show before." 

"Yeah, not everyone is a small blonde boy from the suburbs of Sydney."  Calum says.

"That kind of sounds like Luke, except you said small." 

"I'm not that tall," Luke says.

"Dude, you're 6' 4"."  Calum reminds him.

"You act like I'm some giant compared to you."

"To answer your question, Lee."  Michael elongates his words.  "Yeah.  It's pretty chill.  Walk the carpet.  Answer a couple questions.  Smile pretty for the cameras.  Sit down and watch the show."   

"You have nothing to worry about," Calum assures me, rubbing my leg.

I hope he's right. 

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