Chapter 5

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I hear heels clicking down the stairs and my mom curses.  Her fingers are fiddling with her ear lobes.  She reaches down and picks what I assume is an earring up off of the ground. 

"Sweetie.  You are most certainly not going clubbing.  You are only seventeen, and I do not need to be worrying about you while I am out." 

"Why are you so dressed up?"  I ask, referring to her black stilettos, elegant dress, and jewelry. 

"I didn't tell you, honey?  I have a dinner date."  She tells me sticking her phone in a black clutch.        

"Must have slipped your mind."  I mutter under my breath.

 She strolls over to me and plants an air kiss on my cheek. 

"He'll be here any minute."  I can't remember the last time she went on a date.  

There is a knock at the door and my mother walks over.  She smooths down the dress, and I see her smile, before opening the door.  She must be in a rush to leave me, because she does not invite him it, but exclaims how beautiful the red roses are and hands them to me to put in a vase.  Red roses seem a little unoriginal for a first date, but they match her dress and lipstick.  

"Be careful.  Don't open the door for anyone."

I nod and smile awkwardly in front of my mother's date.

"Don't worry Ms. Castelle!"  Luke yells from the kitchen, always the responsible one.  "Have a good night." 

"So polite," Ashton hits Luke's shoulder.

"Since we're not going out.  Don't feel obligated to stay.  Please.  Go out and party."  I stand across from the boys who are sitting at the kitchen chairs, and lean on my elbows on the counter.   

"We are staying.  We wanted an adventure.  And that is what we'll have...I'm starving though.  Can we get food?"  Luke groans, now Calum is sitting on his lap. 

"Pizza!"  Calum shouts.

"Chinese,"  I counter.

My mouth salivates, thinking about shrimp fried rice, dumplings, and cabbage.   I can already smell the spicy food in the takeout containers.  

"Pizza is obviously superior to Chinese."  Calum tells me. 

"Calum.  Come on.  You're Asian.  Can't you appreciate some ethnic food every once in a while?"  I tease and smirk at him.

"Fuck you.  Let's get pizza."  Calum crosses his arms over his chest and pouts acting like a toddler. 

"Come on Cal.  I know you're not Asian.  It was a joke..." I squeeze his cheeks, trying to get him to turn to me. 

"I have to agree with Calum on this.  We should get pizza," Michael comments.

"Okay...fine.  I see that you all want pizza.  I see you're all ganging up on me.  Fucking patriarchy." 

Michael, ever the pizza enthusiast, gets on the phone and calls for delivery.  I toss the boys' damp and salty swim trunks in the washer and they are more than happy to roam around in just their underwear.  I come back in make shift pajamas–running shorts and a tank top.  The band is spread throughout the TV room with the pizza, looking at ease.  I sit down on the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table, careful not to push off the soda or pizza. 

"Guys.  Probably don't need to say this, but try not to get grease anywhere or my mom will slit my throat."

"Your mom seems like a nice lady," Ashton swallows a string of cheese.  "I don't think she would be so violent."

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