Chapter 19

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Lee's POV

"How much longer?"  I ask, leaning my head against the window. 

"Half an hour, sweetie.  Are you okay?"

"Yeah."  I reply, watching the dark streets roll past. 

I try to tune out the moms gushing over European coffee shops.  Eventually we pull up to the stadium and the fans start screaming.  Security from the venue comes out and escorts us from the buses.  The fans are rowdy. 

"Lee!  Lee!"  The girls scream my name. 

I break off from security.

"Can I get a selfie with you?"  A girl begs, sticking her phone in my face.  

"Sure?"  I say, not quite sure.  

She squeals and snaps the photo, then several other girls ask for my autograph.  I feel someone grasp my wrist and turn to see Calum.  I feel relieved.  The fans start screaming even louder.  

"Being famous isn't too bad?"  He smirks.

"This is only fame by association, Hood."

I let my fingers lace around his and we move forward slowly in the mass of people.  We get inside and a blast of warm air runs over my body.

"Okay, I'll see you after the show?"  Calum rubs his hands up and down on my arms.

"You surely will," I nod. 

Calum leans down, kisses me, then rushes over to where the rest of the band is impatiently waiting to head to the stage.  I smile, tasting him on my lips, and find my mom.  We go to the pre-show room, and I take a seat on the couch.  When the roar of the fans dies down and I know the guys are prepping to go on stage, I wander out to the wing so I can watch and listen to them play.  I take a seat on the floor, not really caring that my black jeans are getting dusty.  Liz comes over to sit with me and  starts taking pictures of the band. 

"Gotta upload these to my Tumblr."  She tells me smiling.

I smile back and Liz drags a folding chair over to sit beside me. 

"Are you...liking being on tour?"  She asks me.

I turn to her, "Yes.  It's incredible."

"The boys seem to like you a lot."  Her eyes are glued to the stage. 

"We get along well.  I was kind of worried that they would be douchebags or drug addicts."  

I see Liz smile, and I turn back to the stage.  The show ends in a cry of screams and claps.  The band comes off stage. 

"Come on guys let's go.  We have a long drive to Amsterdam."  My mother says gathering everyone.

They groan, somehow both tired and riled up from the show.  Calum runs his fingers through his sweaty mass of hair and lets his arm loll off of the couch. 

"You lads can sleep on the bus.  Up and at 'em."  Liz claps her hands and pulls on Luke.

They get up unenthusiastically and waddle to the bus.  Calum persuades me to join him in the bus.  I agree reluctantly.  The five of us curl up on the couches next to the Xbox.  They look exhausted.

"Why aren't you guys going to bed?"  I ask.

"I want to wipe out once we get to the hotel.  If I sleep now it will ruin it."  Michael tells me.

"Mikey, that's five hours you would have to stay up at least."

"Five hours?" Ashton groans.

"Fuck this.  I'm tired."  Luke gets up and I hear him shifting into his bunk. 

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