Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

The pancake batter sizzles as I pour one quarter cup onto the frying pan.  There is not much left that I can scavenge from the bowl, but there is a decent amount of pancakes on the signature white serving platter.  I have been left in charge of watching over my almost step siblings since Mom is at work, talking with management and the band about the release of their album and Joseph is also at work, at the dentist's office.  I hope that I won't be stuck babysitting for the entire summer, though I fear that is the only reason Mom wanted me back in Australia.  I tug down my athletic shorts and smooth down my tank top.

"Guys, breakfast!"  I shout, sliding three plates onto the counter. 

Lizzie bounces down the stairs and pulls herself into the high kitchen chair.

"Did you brush your teeth?"  I ask.

"Yes, I did."  She smiles proudly.  "Do we have syrup?"

I pull it out of the pantry and place it next to the bowl of strawberries.  Will ambles down the stairs and ruffles Lizzie's hair.  She protests quietly but a smile plays on her face. 

"No pants?  No shirt?"  I ask, referring to his lack of clothes. 

All he's wearing is blue plaid boxers.

"No.  Do you have a problem with that?"  He spits back.

I shake my head and let the syrup drip over my short stack of pancakes.  It's going to be a long week. 

"Do you guys want to do anything today?"  I ask, trying to be a good host and soon to be step sister.

"I'm gonna go back to my room and call my girlfriend."  Will announces standing to dump his plate in the sink.        

Lizzie shrugs.  Then she helps me with the dishes and I help her clean the syrup off of her face.

   " you have any homework for the summer?"  I ask. 

She shakes her head.  It is the late afternoon , five-ish, and we are sitting in the living room in front of the TV together on the couch.  We have essentially exhausted everything in the house: games, TV, iPads.  The allure of adventure is gone and she is bored.  How do people deal with children?  They act one way one minute and then change on you in an instant. 

"Are you bored?"  I ask, confirming what I already know to be true. 

She nods, "I want to do something.  Where's Will?" 

"He's upstairs, but I think he's talking to his girlfriend.  What did you say her name was again?" 

"It's Katherine.  Which is almost as boring as Elizabeth." 

"Elizabeth's not a boring name.  It's the Queen's name you know.  Why don't you tell me about this Katherine, then we can go make some cookies." 

"Okay."  Lizzie scoots closer to me, filling the space in between us and completely invading my personal space, but I do not ask her to move.  "Umm...she's nice I guess.  She's really short.  Like...really short.  She has long blond hair and blue eyes.  She wears a lot of make up and sometimes she looks like a raccoon.  My mom always says that she's not the brightest and she says that the girl should invest in some longer and looser fitting clothes.  I think Mom thinks she's a...slut." 

I am stunned at the raw language the girl uses.  I nod, trying to keep a smile on my face.  We walk into the kitchen and I pull out everything we need for chocolate chip cookies. 

"Okay, measure out a half cup of sugar and pour it in this bowl," I instruct Lizzie, giving her one of the easiest jobs.

She complies, then I hand her the butter.  We add the brown sugar too then turn on the mixer. 

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