Chapter 14

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We hang around in the hotel–almost exploding from our brunch–until three when we have to leave for the venue.  The night goes by quickly.  Calum and I think it is best we don't spend the night together because we have an early call to get to London.  I didn't expect it to, but that night the bed feels empty without Calum beside me. 

My ringtone interrupts my sleep, and I fumble blindly for the phone on the nightstand.

"Hello?"  I ask, then clear my throat, getting rid of the morning voice.

I sit up in bed and put my head in my hands, eyes still closed.


"Yeah.  I'm up."  I jerk awake.  "Did you just get up mom?"

"No, honey.  I didn't really sleep tonight.  I've been up forever.  It's 6 am, so you have an hour before the buses leave for London.  Three hour drive.  Need I remind you that London is one of the fashion capitals of the world?"

"And?"  I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Let's be a little more...formal...conscious.  No jeans and tee shirts.  There will be a lot more paparazzi.  Far more fans.  There's a lot on the line.  Just look presentable please."

"I never let you down."  I say in a fake chirpy voice.

The other line goes silent.  I let my head loll forward a second before reluctantly tossing the blankets off of me.  I step into the shower and let the water bead over my skin. 

When I step into the elevator with my suitcase, I take a deep breath and try not to overthink.  I realize that London fans will be a bit crazier, but I know I can handle it.  I don't want to psyche myself out.  It's not too cold outside, so I don't bother zipping my teddy coat.  My black turtleneck is keeping me warm.  

I slide open the door to Baby Bus, so I can keep my mom company since Mrs. Hemmings went with the boys.

'Why you do dis?'  Calum texts.

'You can live 3 hours without me.'

':'(  You hurt me.  If you don't agree to spend time with me in London I'll jump out of the bus...when it's moving!'

'I know that exclamation point makes your statement serious.'  I write.  'You'll get sick of me if we spend too much time together.  But yes.  I've never been to London.  Can't wait to spend it with you.'

Most people find it odd, but I text pretty much how I talk.  Proper grammar.  Always 'to' instead of '2.'  Punctuation marks.  

'yay!  Good.  I could nvr get sick of you.  Wait BRB.  Feel sick gotta puke.'

'Unbelievable.'  I smile, waiting for my mom to come out of the hotel it is 6:56.

'JK.  :P  Have fun on ur ride.'

I tuck my phone into my pocket as my mom opens the door to the bus.

"Didn't expect to see you here."  She tells me, looking me up and down.

"Nothing wrong with some mother daughter bonding time," I say, fastening my seat belt.

"Course not," she looks at her phone then puts it in the front console.

"Who are you expecting a text from?"  I ask after my mom glance at her phone for the one hundredth time in the hour we've been in the bus. 

"Hmm...what was that, sweetie?"

"You keep checking your phone.  Every ten seconds," I exaggerate.  

"Oh umm...just my boyfriend." 

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