Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

"I think she's waking up."


Several voices are speaking, but I can't make them out.  They all sound like a jumbled mess to me.  I turn, rolling around in a mass of blankets, then pause as a shooting pain runs through my body.  I grip my head, curling up into the fetal position.  I feel the pressure of the bed sink down by my arm and someone strokes my hair.  

I groan, but can't yet form an intelligible word.  I want to throw up and cry and pee and I honestly feel like death.  It's like being hungover, but ten million times worse.  I sit up in bed which makes it feel like there's a nail being driven into the front of my skull.  Deep breaths.  Deep breaths.  I tell myself.    

"What...happened?"  I ask, through gritted teeth; every word hurts. 

"We'll talk about it later."  Calum says, I think it's Calum.  

"I want to talk about it now," I grunt, feeling absolutely awful.  

Calum hands me a glass of water, which I guzzle down eagerly, and then a bottle of Gatorade.  

"Where is everyone?  Where am I?  Talk to me," I say, feeling a little better with the fluid in my body, but still not myself. 

"You're in my hotel room, babe."  Calum says, keeping his voice even. 

I open my eyes, and shut them quickly, the room seems too harsh to my eyes.  The delicate gold and white walls are too abrasive for me.

"The boys are staying in another room and Emily's back at your dorm.  Don't worry, she's safe.  Michael walked her back."  

"Why does everything hurt?"  I ask, usually hangovers don't feel this severe and I don't even remember drinking that much. 

"We'll talk about it."  Calum repeats.

"I don't want to 'talk about it.' I want you to tell me right now."  I say, trying to sound firm, but knowing my voice sounds weak. 

"Someone...someone slipped a drug into your drink."  Calum tells me.  

My breath gets caught in my throat.  Is being drugged supposed to hurt this much?  Did they...

"Did they...did they take advantage of..." 

"No, we got you out of there in time, thank God.  But Lee.  I'm so sorry.  We should have been watching your drink and what if something had happened, and I hadn't seen him grabbing your arm to take you out and..." 

"Calum, stop..."

"No.  I feel awful.  This shouldn't happen to..."

"No Calum, your voice is making my head hurt." 

"Oh sorry.  I'm going to get you some tea."  He furrows his brow.   

"Green, please."  I murmur back to him. 

I manage to open my eyes and sit up in the bed, but I'm still fuzzy.  I can't remember last night.  I remember leaving the dorm and walking past the frat houses, but that's it.  I take the mug of tea in my hand and sip it lightly.  

"I should be fine in a couple hours, right?"  

"Of course, not one hundred percent, but fine.  Which is good, because we have a meeting with your mom."

"What?  I didn't know she was in this country."  

"She wasn't."  He replies.  "She had to fly in for...unforeseeable publicity problems."  

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