Chapter 35

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                                                        Chapter 35  

        I rush downstairs, my heeled Oxfords hindering my speed a bit.  I flatten down my black skater skirt and pull down on the sleeves of my knitted baby blue sweater. 

        “Mom, may I please have the keys.”  I say, quietly, hoping I am not interrupting their movie. 

        “They’re on the counter.  Drive safely.” 

        “Will do.”  I snatch the keys off of the counter, tucking them safely into my pocket. 

        The air outside is brisk, much colder than it was in California.  I tuck the cake into the back then slide into the driver’s seat and check myself in the mirror.  I didn’t go outside too much, but my skin is a little tanned and sun kissed.  I pull down on the curls in my dark brown hair, which lightened a bit, before pulling out of the driveway.  I turn on the music, trying to ease my nerves.  I tap the steering wheel with my fingers to the beat of the tune.  I pull into the Hood’s driveway.  I pull out my tinted Burt’s Bees lip balm and glide it over my lips quickly.  Then I let my hair hang over my left shoulder.  I pick up the cake, walking quickly to the door, my legs freezing.  I balance the cake in the crook of my left elbow so I can knock the door: three short raps.  I tap my foot, waiting impatiently, anxiously for someone to get the door.  Footsteps stop in front of the door and it opens.  A woman, I assume Calum’s mom, welcomes me into the house.

        “You must be Lee, so glad to finally meet you.  Come in you must be freezing.  I’m Mrs. Hood.”  She pulls me into a hug, which starts out awkwardly, but I melt into it.  “David!  Mali come here, guys!” 

        Mrs. Hood brings me into the rest of the house.  I stare at the family photos adorning the walls and dresser drawers.  It is strange seeing what Calum looked like in grade school.  A girl and man stand up from their chairs at the dining room table, and hug me in turn. 

        “Hi, I’m Mali.”  The girl tells me. 

        She is absolutely gorgeous, with high lights in her dark hair and a perfectly fresh face of make up.  She twists her nose ring and I try to keep from staring at her black and white tribal print maxi skirt and soft blue gray long sleeved crop top.  Her dad is dressed simply in a navy polo and khakis: a typical dad outfit in my book. 

        “Calum has told us so much about you.”  Mr. Hood tells me, ending our hug with a handshake.

        “Hopefully only good things,” I smile. 

        “Of course,” Mali winks. 

        “So, I think Calum’s just finishing up dinner, but he’s almost done, so we can take a seat.”  Mrs. Hood tells me. 

        Each of her parents sit down at the heads of the short wood table.  I smile, taking a seat next to Calum’s mom and stop myself from playing with the blue and white paisley tablecloth. 

        “Can I get you anything to drink?”  Mali asks, resting her hands on the back of her chair.  “We have beer, red wine, Coke, orange juice…”

        “Water is fine, thank you.”  I reply, feeling unsure of my choice.

        Mali returns and hands me my water in a wine glass.  I smile, thanking her. 

        “Calum!  Hurry up!”  Mali yells.  “He wants to make sure it’s perfect but…”

        Calum walks in with a serving plate and glides it onto the table.  He is dressed predictably in a red flannel button down with a black bow tie, black jeans predictably, but without holes, and his black Vans.  He pulls off his apron, folding it and placing it on the back of his chair.  He rushes back into the kitchen, then returns finally, putting another dish on the table.  The smell of chicken and pasta wafts through the room.

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