Chapter 6

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"Calum?"  I ask, walking closer, though I know it is him.

"Hey," he stands up and pulls his blue sweatshirt down.  "Sorry.  I left my phone here."

"Oh yeah.   Sorry."  I unlock the door and we walk inside. 

My mom is not home.  I walk to the refrigerator and pull out a banana for my post run snack.  

"How long had you been waiting to get in?"  I say tossing the banana peel in the compost.

"Not too long.  Fifteen minutes.  I was kind of worried because the lights were off and the door was locked, but the car was still there."

I peel off my tank top so I am just in my sports bra, hoping to avoid getting pneumonia, while Calum searches in the couch cushions and blankets for his telephone.  I ring my shirt out in the sink and place it over a chair. 

"Lee, can I talk to you?"  Calum asks. 

"Yeah.  What's up?"  I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable in only my sports bra.  

"Found my phone."  He holds it up and taps in against his hand.  

"Awesome."  I pick up Atticus, then swing him like a slinky cat, walking Calum to the door. 

"Bye...wait.."  The door is open and Calum is half outside with his phone in his hand, but he has a look on his face like he forgot something else.  "I've been wanting to ask.  I was just, wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?  Not like, with the band.  Just, with Calum."

Atticus falls out of my hands and scampers back into the house leaving me alone.  I feel like a deer in the headlights.  I can't think of anything to say.  What's the right answer?  What does he want me to say?  The silence is too awkward.

"Yeah.  See you tomorrow or something or text me."  I push, not push, maybe nudge him out the door and close it. 

I lock it and run upstairs to my room.  I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate.  I peel off my clothes until I'm only in my underwear and curl up under my blankets.  My heart is beating out of my chest and my mind feels absolutely scrambled.  I am a ball of mixed emotions.  I wish I could go for another run to clear my thoughts, but the last time I ran I came back to a boy on my porch.

Sophomore year I was with a guy.  I guess it was more than that.  I had a boyfriend, and I thought I was in love.  But he didn't feel the same way about me.  And it was more than him not loving me.  He wanted to control me.  He wanted to have me.  And no matter how much I hate him, I'm still not over everything that happened.  Everything that I never told anybody. 

I drag my hands down my face wishing my sophomore year never happened.  It ruined high school.  It ruined me.  Then I think about Calum.  That makes it worse.  I bite my lip and try to stop crying when I hear a car pull into the driveway.  My mom's date dropping her back off at home.  I go into the bathroom and turn on the sink, letting it run before splashing it onto my face.  I pat my face dry with a towel and go downstairs when I look closer to normal.  My nose is still a little red, but my eyes are not. 

"Hi, Mom.  How was your night?  And morning?"  I ask trying to sound like I have not been bawling for the past half hour.

"Wonderful thank you.  He was a complete gentleman.  Dinner then we...walked a boardwalk at the beach."

"Do you think it's serious?"  I ask. 

"Maybe.  I've actually been seeing him a little while.  We met at the airport in Sydney."

"Oh,"  I sound surprised.  How did I not notice my mom had been seeing someone?  "That's cute.  I'm glad you're happy." 

"Thank you, honey.  I'm heading upstairs to do a little bit of work."

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