dreams and christmas celebrations

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merry christmas everyone :)

"Adam get over here and revive me!!"

"I'm trying! There's just this guy who won't quit going after me!"

"Don't worry, I'll save you, Rush!"

Screams start echoing through Adam's headphones as his friends run across the virtual battlefield. As he's running he meets 3 players from the enemy team. He joins in with the screaming, trying desperately to defeat them.

"DAMNIT!!" He shouts as the group of players kill him, as you'd expect would happen when the fight is 1 against 3.

Adam sighs and sits back in his chair, staring at the game over screen.

His room has been enveloped in eerie darkness as the sun slowly set around him. What time was it? He looked at his monitor for the time but couldn't find it on his screen.

That's weird, he thinks to himself.

He turns back to the screen displaying his game and focuses his attention on what his friends are doing: still screaming.

"Hey, guys?" Adam says over the screams.

"Yeah?" Someone replies.

"Do you reckon James would wanna play?"

"I mean yeah sure," a voice answers. "Hit him up and ask."

Adam smiles and minimises his game window to open Discord.

'hey james me and some buddies are playing overwatch. wanna join us?'

He types out the message and sends it, crossing his fingers for a response.

"I'd love to."

Adam freezes. That was a voice. And it came from right behind him. There shouldn't be a voice behind him, he lives alone. His shoulders tense as he turns in his chair to see someone standing over him.

"Hey," the person smiles. 

Adam's mouth hangs open when his eyes land on James, who was standing right there in the same room as him.

"Hi," Adam breathes out, still confused.

James smiles at him. That really is his Jameson and he's right there with him. Adam stands up from his chair, keeping his eyes locked with James'. Adam stares into James' eyes noticing how they appear as adorable as a puppy's.

"James, you..."

James nods, lifting his hand and placing his hand over Adam's cheek. The movement is so soft and gentle Adam feels himself come close to collapsing into James' arms.

The eye contact James and Adam had been retaining for so long breaks when Adam's eyes glance down to James' lips, silently questioning if this was going where he thought it was.

James traces his thumb over Adams's face. They're closer than before but Adam can't pinpoint when exactly that had happened.

"James... A-are we-?"

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!" Comes a shrill voice in Adam's ear.

Adam groans and sinks into his covers.

"Go away," Adam mumbles, tightly hugging a spare pillow.

"My mom wants your help with breakfast," a small finger pokes at Adam's cheek. 

"Okay, okay," Adam swats the hand away. "I'll be down in a sec." 

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