click click motherfricker

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a headcanon from the mind of twitter user HUNT3BURT0N111 in which they see adam as a rabbit and having traits similar to a rabbit

(i didnt know what to title this lmao)

"Shit, shit, shit!!" Adam cries, shuffling to the edge of the couch and leaning closer to the TV.

He attempts to navigate his kart to stay on the track but as he holds down the drift button on his controller, it flings off the course.

"No, no, no," Adam hisses through his teeth.

He shot from 1st to 5th and he absolutely cannot lose this Mario Kart game to Jaiden. He holds his Mario Kart win streak very close to his heart.

"Dangit," Adam groans as his hair falls in front of his face as he attempts to build his speed back up and gain back the places he lost.

He desperately tries to blow the hair out of his view but fails miserably.

"I got it," James laughs, walking in from the kitchen and kneeling down in front of Adam, making sure not to block his view of the game.

James maneuvers his hand around Adam's eye and swipes his hair behind his ears. He makes sure the hair is safely tucked back by repeating the motion an extra time. As he does this though, Adam's head tilts to the side.

"What's that noise?" Jaiden asks, keeping her eyes glued to the TV screen.

"Uh...I don't know," James looks at Adam and watches his eyes fall shut and his jaw clenching softly. "Adam?"

James pulls his hand away, watching Adam's odd movements. They quickly cease, though, as soon as James' hand loses contact with Adam's head.

Adam shakes his head and turns back to the race. James watches his cheeks getting pink, something he's never seen on his confident friend.

Thinking Adam's behavior has something to do with James touching his hair, he reaches back out.

"Don't," Adam hisses, head snapping to James. Only his order was a little too late. James brushes his fingers through Adam's hair like he did before and Adam immediately releases a blissful sigh.

His jaw starts clenching and unclenching again, a soft clicking going with it.

"Yes! First place!!" Jaiden cheers, jumping off the couch and throwing her hands in the air. "Take that, not-so-mighty Mario Kart... king..."

Jaiden trails off when she notices Adam's total disconnect from his surroundings as James plays with his hair.

"What's he doing?" Jaiden asks.

"I have no idea," James replies. He moves his hand under Adam's chin and receives a small smile.

"Is he a dog or something?" Jaiden laughs.

James scratches at his stubble softly and shakes his head. "These are rabbit traits."

"I'm– I'm sorry?" Jaiden splutters.

"He's clicking his teeth. That's a rabbit thing," James states, matter of factually

"Damn, okay Mr. Rabbit Expert," Jaiden sits back down on the couch next to Adam. "Why is he doing that?"

"I have no clue. Maybe it's a demon thing?" James guesses.

Jaiden nods and hums. James keeps scratching and trailing his fingers through Adam's hair for a few more minutes then slowly pulls his hands back.

"Adam?" James tilts his head to the side, hoping to catch Adam's eye.

Adam mumbles to himself and opens his eyes slightly. As soon as he sees James his eyes shoot open and he stumbles back.

"Shit! No!" He tenses his shoulders. "Stupid!"

"What was that, Adam?" James asks.

"Nothing! Fuck off!" He glances away but not fast enough to hide his bright red face from James.

"Woah," Jaiden laughs. "Defensive."

Adam picks his legs up onto the couch and turns his entire body away from his friends. James and Jaiden snicker and roll their eyes.

"You were totally blissing out when I scratched your chin. What's up with that?"

"Literally nothing," Adam grumbles. "Leave me alone."

"And you were clicking your teeth like a rabbit," James adds.

"Shut up!" Adam buries his head into a cushion.

"We're just curious," James walks around the couch to where Adam's head is. He trails his hand down Adam's face until it's under his chin and lifts his head until they're making eye contact. "No judgment. Just wondering."

James starts scratching Adam's chin and he melts, leaning forward with a smile.

"Wait, no," Adam forces himself to sit up straight.

James giggles as Adam buries his face in his hands.

"Okay, fine. I hate you first of all. Second, it's just kind of a... like... thing I get. Like a..." Adam sighs and looks away. "A rabbit thing."

"You're a rabbit??" Jaiden gasps.

"No!" Adam scoffs. "I'm a demon. But, like, sometimes we pick up animal traits if we're around an animal a lot as a young demon."

"So you act like a rabbit?" James asks.

"Not fully. Just... I mimic some of their traits. It's embarrassing but I can't stop it," Adam frowns and crosses his arms.

"No biggie, dude," James shrugs. "We've all got quirks. Yours is just a lot more interesting than ours."

Adam laughs.

"Yeah!" Jaiden agrees.

"I'm guessing then that you act how rabbits act when enjoying affection," James nods.

"Yeah... that's right," Adam flushes, hearing it all said, making him hyper-aware of his weird habit.

"Cool. In that case," James jumps over the back of the couch and shoves Jaiden over to sit next to Adam. "Get over here."

He gestures to his lap with a smile.

"What?" Adam furrows his eyebrows.

James motions his hand for Adam to move closer.

Adam glances skeptically between James' soft smile and his hand, eventually deciding to accept the offer. He settles his head in James' lap and curls his legs up to get comfortable. James reaches his hand to Adam's head and combs his fingers through his hair.

The clicking ensues as Adam snuggles into James.

Jaiden moves to the other side of James to play with Adam's hair too. Smiling wider than he's ever smiled before, Adam leans into their touches. Heaven is how he'd describe where he is right now. His two best friends, not judging him for who he is and rather accepting him and his weird little traits. Not just accepting, in fact. They embrace it. And he could stay curled up here forever with the people he trusts most.

"You guys are the best," Adam mumbles.

"We know," James and Jaiden say in sync. 

i have an ao3 account btw. my user is choccybiccy if u wanna look at that idk lol just gonna post sum animator oneshots there and maybe stobotnik in the future cuz ive become obsessed 

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