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 I really hope I formatted this right. Jade please be proud of me :')

I'm sorry this is late too. Also I started writing this in an Ikea. And it's old and probably bad. Okay yeah proceed.

          Adam and I are going to Ikea! We're looking for fairy lights for our bedroom In our new house. I was able to persuade my stubborn boyfriend, that they'll look adorable. 
          The internet showed me some cool ones at Ikea. They're tiny light bulbs and look so cute! I just don't think I can settle for anything else. I also feel like we'll find other things we want or need for our new house. Plus I've never been to an Ikea so I thought this would be fun!
          After a gruelling 50 minute long ride, we finally arrive. I'm super excited, practically skipping to the entrance. Adam has my hand in his, keeping me from running off without him.
          "Okay, James. Do you know how Ikea works?" 
          I shake my head, "Nope." 
          "Cool. I don't either." 
          I laugh and possibly snort, "I thought you'd come here before?" 
          Adam just shrugs, "I forgot I guess." 
          "Welp, guess we're winging it cause I'm not bothered to read the instructions."
          Still hand in hand, we start walking along the path.
          "I wonder where those fairy lights are..." I wonder to myself.
          "Hey, just be patient. Let's just look at what's around here."
          I nod and look at all the interesting things surrounding us. I gasp when I spot a little spinning chair that closes over you like an egg.
          "You wanna get in, Jameson?" Adam chuckles.
          I nod eagerly and sit down. Adam closes the sliding door over me, leaving me in the comfy darkness. He spins me around a few times before opening the door.
          "This thing is awesome!" I beam.
          Adam puts his hand out to help me up.
          We keep walking until we come across little display rooms, each with a different theme.
          "Look how cute this kids bedroom is, Adam!"
          I speed inside and look around. An elevated bed with a desk underneath sits on one side of the room, with a bean bag and a bookshelf of the other.
          "Yeah it's pretty cute, but not as cute as you," he winks at me.
          "Oh, stop it," I giggle.
          We walk into the next room, which is bright pink all over.
          "Now this is the kind of room I wanted as a kid," I joke, earning a laugh from Adam.
          Eventually, we reach the adult bedroom displays.
          "Woah... This is so cool!"
          I look around before sitting on the bed. I turn to my left, looking around. The room has a dark theme with roses and framed book pages. It creates a pretty nice aesthetic.
          When I turn back to stand up I see Adam towering above me.
          "Can I help you, kind sir?"
          A small smirk rests on his face, "Why yes you can."
          He slowly pushes me down and places his lips on mine. I chuckle and kiss back for a moment before pushing him off me playfully.
          "Alright, that's enough of that. We're in public."
          "I just wanna show the world I'm the only one who gets to kiss your beautiful lips."
          I laugh and push him back a little more so I can stand up.
          "Alright, you dork," I snicker.
          We walk a little further and I spot the fairy lights I was looking for.
          "Adam!!" I tug on his sleeve, "The fairy lights!"
          "Alright, go grab some."
          I let go of Adams's hand and run up to the shelf with the boxes of fairy lights. Adam catches up with me and looks at the lights with me.
          "They are pretty nice."
          I nod happily, "Yeah! They're even more pretty in real life!"
          Adam grabs a basket from nearby and tosses the lights into it.
          "Alright then. Keep going?"
          I nod and take his hand back in mine, pulling him back to the main path.

          We see heaps more cool stuff and end up grabbing some vanilla candles, a chalkboard and a tool that slices an apple into nice, even, little pieces. We didn't need any of the things we grabbed but they're cool so why not?
          "I don't think we needed to worry about knowing how this works considering we weren't getting furniture," Adam points out.
          "Yeah. So now how do we get out?"
          Adam looks around for a second, "Uh... Maybe this way?"
          He doesn't seem certain but I follow him anyway.
          We walk around a bit and realise we got nowhere.
          "Okay, maybe not... Let's just retrace our steps," Adam gently pulls me back where we came but we quickly forget which way we came from.
          "Okay, I have no idea," Adam admits.
          I chuckle and look around a bit. Adam keeps talking, "I mean we could just stay here and make out in one of the display rooms. It's much neater here than back home."
          I slap Adams's arm and laugh, "Can you just stop for five seconds?"
          Adam smiles playfully and shakes his head. He moves his hand that isn't occupied by my hand to my head. He gently pushes my face towards his and leans closer but I move my head to look for directions.
          What? He can wait.
          I spot a sign hanging from the ceiling, "To exit, follow arrows. Oh well, we're silly goofs."
          I look to the floor and see an arrow a few metres away.
          "Alright let's go then."


          Once we get home I hang up the lights over our bed. I consider putting the rest of our stuff away but get distracted when I notice Adam looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
          Adam continues to look at me with a slight pout, "I want attention."
          He catches me off guard with a cute baby voice.
          "Oh, really now?"
          He nods his head sadly and makes a grabby motion with his hands. I laugh and shake my head, "Come over here then."
          I sit down on our bed, under the fairy lights and pat the space next to me.
          Adam comes over and immediately sits on my lap, wrapping both his arms and legs around me.
          "Alright then," I chuckle and hug him back, smiling.
          "I love the fairy lights, don't you?" I ask Adam, quietly.
          He hums, "Yeah. But I love you more."
          A small grin spreads across my face and I hug him tighter, feeling so so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend.

Should I keep doing formatting like this? Or does it look weird on a phone? It looks fine on my laptop but weird on my phone so it's up to you, dear reader. Will it stay or go?

I mean I probably won't continue doing it cause I can't do it without 'space-space-space'ing and therefore it takes wayyyy too long to do it. But ye if you want me to keep it I'll do it for you :')

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