🚨 Emergency Boyfriend 🚨

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James POV
I'm standing in the corner of the room... alone... And shuffling my feet. I was invited to a party on my street and figured it would be a good way to get to know some people. Turns out I'm horrible at talking and interacting with people in real life. I groan and walk back over to the food table for the 57th time tonight (no I wasn't counting...). Maybe it'll make it look like I know what I'm doing. I make my to the table and grab a few mini pretzels until I notice someone talking to the party host at the door. Shoot! It's Tim! My ex-boyfriend has just walked through the door holding another guys hand! He obviously has his life together and I don't! I look around frantically until I spot a guy on the other side of the room. I'll go ask him. As I get closer I notice his appearance. Absolutely stunning. He has beautiful brown hair and a pair of circular glasses. He's wearing a white t-shirt tucked into some jeans. "U-uh hello sir" My nervousness overwhelms me. "Um hi, I'm Adam" Taking a deep breath I look at him and continue. "I'm James. I uh need a favour..." Adam looks at me slightly confused but nods. "I uh... Can you... Pr-pretend to be my boyfriend?" Oh God, he's gonna say no. He's gonna say no and Tim's gonna know how pathetic I am- "Sure" Wait what. "Really? I mean you don't have to I just-" "I said sure. I totally get it. You want your ex to think you have your life sorted. I don't usually do this but you're just too cute" Adam winks leaving me flustered. "What do you need me to do?" I recompose myself and think for a moment. "I'm not actually sure... I didn't think I'd get this far" I laugh nervously. "Alright let's just start here" Adam reaches for my hand and tangles his fingers with mine. My heart skips a beat and my heart flutters. I come back down to earth when I notice Tim walking towards me. "Ah! That's him!" I subtly point to the tall figure approaching us. Adam nods as Tim stops in front of me. "Oh hey, James!" He smiles at me like I'm an old friend. "Heyy Tim!" "Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Tim signals to Adam who puts out his hand. "I'm Adam. Nice to meet you" They shake hands and Tim turns back to me. "You moved on quickly" The tone in his voice is bitter. I try to think of how to reply but Adam jumps in. "It's easy when you were his previous partner" He spins on his heels and drags me outside, leaving Tim inside and confused. "A-Adam you don't even know who he is or why we broke up!" He chuckles as the cold breeze drifts by us. "I know a cheater when I see one" How did he- "I also know the guy I wanna spend the rest of my life with when I see him" Before I know it Adam has brought me into a passionate kiss. I hesitate but quickly sink into it. Once we've parted Adam smiles. "So... Wanna be my real boyfriend?" I pull him into a warm embrace. "Of course"

***Hello! (This was about 560 words) This is another story from a prompt list. I was hoping I'd get an idea eventually but I didn't and I needed to publish something so I found a prompt. ↓↓

Hope this story was okay :)***

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Hope this story was okay :)***

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