two lonely, oblivious fools

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a late valentines day chapter but i speedran it in my maths class and i hate it :D

"This freaking sucks," James groans from his spot on the floor.

Adam chuckles and lays down next to him.

"What? Don't you like hanging out with me?"

"I do! Of course I do! But it's Valentines day. I just wish I wasn't alone," James sighs.

"I'm keeping you company though," Adam says.

"It's not the same. I want someone to surprise me with cute chocolates and a teddy bear. And—and—hold my hand as we watch romance movies and—But I'm a loser and nobody want's to do that with me."

James frowns and stares at the ceiling. He's only ever been in one relationship. In 5th grade when a girl gave him a little note asking if hed date her. He said yes then she broke up with him after a day. Apparently he spent more time with Adam than her. If he couldn't get a fifth grader to like him how would he get a grown adult to hang out with him for more than an hour?

"Wh—" James turns to Adam when he feels a hand on his. "Adam?"

"I know I'm not the dream girl you're always talking about," Adam smiles sympathetically. "But I can fill the role for the day."

James laughs and turns his hand to hold Adams properly.

"You're a dork."

"Your favourite dork," Adam says. "Now get up. We're gonna watch some romance movies."

The pair get up and settle themselves on the couch, still holding each others hands. They set up Marry Me purely because it stars Owen Wilson.

"I have a feeling this movie is gonna be awful," Adam says as he presses play.

"How dare you insult McQueen like that," James fake glares as he rests his head on Adam's shoulder.

Adam grins and rests his head on James'.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sure it'll be great. Especially with you cuddled up next to me," Adam nudges him.

James sits up, pouting with pink cheeks.

"Hey, if you're gonna tease me you can just go home."

"No, Jameson! I'm only joking," Adam laughs. "Come here."

Adam lifts his arm for James to settle back into his side. James wrinkles his nose up, hesitating for a moment. But he caves, burying his head into Adam's chest in a hurry.

"Man, I'm jealous of whoever your future girlfriend will be," Adam says. "You're adorable."

James laughs as Adam plays with his hair.

"Yeah. Your girlfriend is gonna be so lucky to have you. Handsome, clever and absolutely hilarious. The full package deal!" James smiles.

They go quiet and stare at the TV screen. Realisation hits a little too late that they don't sound like people who want girlfriends. 

"Huh," Adam mumbles. "Maybe I don't want a girlfriend."

"What?" James looks up at him.

"I think I want a boyfriend," Adam says, not being one to think before he speaks.

"Oh. Oh!! You—you're--? And you just--? Realised?"

Adam's face heats up.

"Holy shit, yeah. I'm totally into dudes."

"Wh- congrats, man? That's—wow!" James sits up and pulls away from Adam.

"Oh, wait, no I don't—Does that make you... uncomfortable?"

James stares at Adam. Does it make him uncomfortable? He doesn't really want Adam dating guys. But he doesn't think he's homophobic. But yet the idea of Adam dating anyone makes him uncomfortable.

"James?" Adam tears up when James just stares at him blankly. "Please, it's not--- I don't want anything to change. Please."

"I—I'm not homophobic," James starts. "But for some reason I don't want you to date anyone."

As soon as James says it he everything clicks.

"Oh my god."


"I'm jealous. Of... no one. Just the idea of you dating someone. I—I like you?"

"What? You do?"

James nods with wide eyes. "What the fuck? Why am I just realising now?"

"Why am I realising now too?"

"Wait—so we both like each other?"

Adam nods with wide eyes.

"Holy. Shit," James' mouth falls open. "Holy SHIT!"

"Oh my god," Adam's surprise turns into laughter. "I'm in love with you."James laughs too..

"Can I kiss you?" Adam asks, placing his hands on either side of James' face. His wide, grin grows as he sees James nod enthusiastically.

He quickly leans forward and places his lips on James' He's squishing James' face out of the pure excitement of his discovery. He's gay, he likes his best friend, his best friend likes him and they're kissing each other right now. And he only just realised.

What the fuck.

Adam leans back and stares at James before bursting out in giggles.

"Yes! Oh my god, I—"

Adam looks over James then quickly presses his lips against his again. And again. And again.

"Holy shit I love you. I love you, like, a lot. Holy fucking shit."

James giggles and reaches up to pull Adam's hands off his face.

"You're kind of squishing me here."


They both laugh through their nerves.

"So... I guess you're not gonna be lonely for Valentines day, huh?" Adam grins.

"I guess not..."

"Come on, get over here," Adam says, cuddling back up with James to watch the movie, enjoy the rest of their Valentines day and their newly formed relationship. 

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