👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Memories 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Adam's POV
I remember it started about a years and years ago. At first the feelings were unnoticeable. But as time went went on, it became more obvious and more to myself and the people around me. I found myself wanting to wear nice clothes when we were hanging out, I would hope he would text me everyday. When he did my heart skipped a beat and I overthought my every response.
I started getting reminded of him everywhere I went. If I saw a restaurant we had eaten at together, I thought of James. If I saw the dark crystal on Netflix, I thought of James. If I saw someone with a similar sandy blonde hair colour, I thought of James.
I couldn't get him out of my head.

I remember when we filmed the dyslexia video together I thought of a joke. I was talking about "when you're trying to tell your crush you like them", but used him even though I didn't think I liked guys at that point. James repeated what I'd said, confused, so I stuttered and got a bit flustered to continue the joke, but for some reason it felt real.
James interrupted the silence with his cheap trumpet he'd bought and sung, "say what you mean to say."
Deciding to continue the joke I said, "James I- I don't know how to tell you this but I'm in love with you..." My heart was beating out of my chest and I was nervous as HECK! Once the joke was over I couldn't focus on the quiz. I was confused as to why I was so nervous. Now it makes so much sense.

I remember from that video onwards, I had that constant nervousness around James. He would hug me and I wouldn't be able to contain my smile, yet I still had those butterflies in my stomach. That's when I pieced it together... with a bit of Jaiden's help.
She pulled me aside at Vidcon and got straight to the point.
"You're in love with James aren't you!" That was when I realised that I was in love with James. I still am.

I remember not knowing what to do. Not knowing whether I should tell him or not. I felt like I shouldn't bother telling him since I would get rejected anyway. It took months of Jaiden trying to convince me to tell him. Even then it took a few weeks For me to pull together any scraps of confidence I had in me.And after that, it took a few more weeks for me to actually do it. I chickened out like 18 times and messed up around 6 or 7 times.
I was pretty discouraged. It felt IMPOSSIBLE to tell him!

Then one day, James miraculously came to my place and told me he was in love with me. I still remember what he said to this day...
"Adam... I uh... well so... I just really love you. You're smile... your voice and adorable face... I'm in love with you..."

I remember when we started dating, it was pretty smooth sailing. We went on date nights, watched movies and cuddled and held hands as we did our shopping.
My memories with James are my favourite by far. We had a few fights here and there, mainly about who drank the last of the choccy milk, but it was great. Our friends and family were supportive and it was truely the best time of my life.

I remember one day that definitely stands out amongst all those happy memories with James; We were taking a walk in our favourite park. It was a beautiful day, with a clear blue sky. We had just gotten ice creams and were walking in the park talking. I was telling James about how Hershey's chocolate syrup mixed into milk is the best chocolate milk. I wasn't really looking at James so when he stopped walking I didn't realises until four steps later. I look back and saw him smiling. James came forward and took my hands in his. "Adam, I love you so, so, so much. You complete me and I want to spend the rest of my life with your beautiful smiling face..." He dropped to his knees and pulled out a small blue velvet box, "Adam, will you marry me?"

I remember having only one thought, "Yes!!!"James stood up smiling, obviously relieved, and slid the ring he'd bought onto my finger. I remember launching myself at him and hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go. This was the start of a long a beautiful life together, and I wouldn't change a thing.

I also remember our wedding day, the happiest day of my life. James looked stunning. His smile lit up the whole venue and his suit looked amazing. All of our friends and family were there and it was all just so incredible.

The next month we bought our own house together and continued our careers on Youtube for a quite a few years, but as time went on, our channels peaked then began to grow smaller, which was inevitable. James decided to move back into comics while I got more into music. It took me a little while but I was eventually signed with a label. About 3 years after that, James and I had our lovely son Jay. He is the best thing that ever happened to us. I'm so proud of him.

Decades have gone by, our son graduated and went on to be an actor. He's doing great, I'm still so proud of our beautiful boy.

Even now, James and I are just as in love as we were all those years ago when James first confessed his love to me.
I still can't believe I get to wake up to such an amazing person every single day. Everything has been so perfect.

James still draws the accessional comic but we've retired now.
I have about 6 albums and a few Grammy awards.
We bought a lovely holiday lodge in the mountains and have spent many nights looking out at the stars next to a roaring campfire.

Every day is amazing when you have nothing to do but be with the one you love.
I'm looking forward to the years to come, Jay has a baby on the way and visits often.

I love my beautiful family, and cherish the time I spend with my dearest James.

***This was a collaboration with the wonderful writer and person intergalactic_cookie! Go check new out for some awesome Jadam stories and drawings! UwU***

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