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Classic drunk boi B)
Considering this chapter mentions mental health stuff I just wanna say: be there for your friends, listen to them and support them emotionally. But! Also, look after yourself! Super important guys!! A friendship shouldn't feel like you're a therapist. You both support each other. So they talk to you about their problems and you talk to them (if you want). Just remember that you can't drop everything for someone else's mental health. Jaiden did a great video talking about this which I linked above so go watch that for your daily dose of good advice.

Also this is pretty bad and I didn't properly read over it one last time before I published it so... Yeah. Alright go ahead haha

Okay. Time for bed. Just lay down, close your eyes and sleep... 

I wonder what mum would think if I told her I was pan... Wait, why am I thinking about this? Stop thinking, just sleep... 

But what if she would get mad?  No. No, no. Stop thinking. It's, like, two-thirty. Just move on brain and let me sleep!


What about that adorable selfie Adam posted? He looked so dreamy- 

Dangit! Stop thinking! Just sleep!!

I roll over and lay on my stomach. My hair twists and tangles as I move. I'll have to brush the millions of knots out tomorrow morning. 

What if Jackson still hates me? "For Gods sake," I mutter. This happens every night. I remind myself of any mistake I made, stress about any hypothetical thing and end up awake hours after I got into bed. 

I move back onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Why am I so bad at sleeping? Why the frick is my anxiety so god damn persistent. It's pathetic really. And there it goes again. Moving to my side, I decide to just let my thoughts run wild, like every night, until I fall asleep. 

I feel myself getting more tired, my thoughts start slowing. Finally. I take a deep breath and- 


What the frick was that?? I sit up and stare at my slightly ajar door. There're a couple more light thumps that convince me to get up and check what it was. Floof is still sound asleep next to my bed so it wasn't her running into the couch again.

I walk around the corner to the front room and immediately jump when I see another person stumbling past my couch like a zombie. "Uh... H-hello?" I nervously stutter, fear in my shaky voice. The person looks up at me with tired eyes and smiles weakly. Hold on is that...? "Adam?? What the heck??" He just walks toward me, tripping over his feet with every step before collapsing into my arms. "What are you doing here? How'd you get in? Are you... alright?"

Adam just looks into my eyes and giggles, "Everything is pointless." I barely process what he said with the strangely happy tone he used. "What?" "I'm doomed to be lonely and sad for the rest of my life." He keeps giggling before getting interrupted by a hiccup.

Is he?... "Adam are you?..." "Yeah, I'm definitely wasted..." He sinks deeper into my arms. I hold him up and glance around the room to figure out how he got in. My eyes are immediately drawn to my curtain fluttering around. Ah, the window. Guess I left it open. I turn back to Adam, who's now sobbing into my shirt. "Okay, Adam. Can you just sit down here for me?" I lead him to my couch and practically pull him off me. Once he's sat down I walk over to the window and shut it. Well, this is turning out to be a weird night. 

"Alright. This is... fine," I mutter to myself as I head to the couch and sit next to Adam. He's sitting crying into his hands. It's almost like he's getting a mid-life-crisis only a quarter of the way into his life. 

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