Adam to the rescue

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***This is really short sorry but I felt like I needed to post something. Hope you like it anyway :)***

It's a sunny Saturday morning. The birds are chirping and the wind is whistling as James and Adam make their way to a cafe. "I really like this cafe James. Their chocolate milkshakes are the BEST!" James giggles at Adams enthusiasm as they walk through the door. Adam spots a little corner spot in the cafe and drags James to it. "You're so cute Adam, " James grins and boops Adams nose. "No, you!" Adam quickly returns the boop as the pair sit down. James sighs happily, "I love you, babe." Adam smiles as well, "I love you too."

James and Adam order some drinks and talk as they wait. In the middle of their conversation about what shaped chicken nuggets taste the best someone walks up to their table. It's a girl around the same age as them who obviously isn't a waitress, so their drinks weren't ready. "Hi!" The girl chimes. James smiles at her awkwardly, "Uh hello... Sorry, do I know you?" The girl smirks. "You don't know but I was hoping to change that," she winks at James. Adam can feel his blood boiling as she continues talking. Just wait Adam. You don't know wanna accuse her of something she might not be doing... Adam thinks to himself. "So what's your name? I'm Addie," James smiles, "I'm James and that's Adam. It's nice to meet you!" Addie smiles back and continues. "Sooo I was wondering if you wanted to go out? Get drinks some time? You're super cute," Adam snaps. This little- "Alright lady you can stop right there! He ain't interested," Addie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "And how would you know?" Adam grins at her. "This is how I know," He grabs James and pulls him into a kiss by his shirt collar. Addie grunts and walks away. Adam pulls away and sits back in his seat. "One coffee with milk and one hot chocolate," A waiter slides the drinks onto their table and walks away as the pair burst out laughing. 

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