😬 My First Fan Fic Part 2 😬

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Alright this chapter has been non-existent for ages so here we go. It took too long to get this working. If also like to point out that a lot of stuff that happens in this is very based off stuff I've read. It wasn't meant to see the light of day but here we are... Sorry if the stuff in this is clearly what you wrote. I wanna say lots of this was based off Daydream_Child's stuff. So yeah I'm very sorry haha. Okay, continue on with the cringe.
Deep down James was a little disappointed but he smiled and replied back "In that case, I love you too Adam".
"Oh, that's the waffles!" James smiles awkwardly, grabbing some tongs. "What would you like on them?" Adam looks up from the floor. "O-oh uh I guess some potassium?" James begins to peel and slice the banana so Adam wanders off to the couch, plonking himself down. Adam grabbed the pillow next to him and starts hugging it. Why on earth did he let those words just slip on out?? Adam continued to pity himself until James walked into the living room with two plates of beautiful waffles. "They are finished!" The blonde announced in his grandest voice. Adam smiled. This is the only thing that can make him smile on the gloomiest of days. This very person. James placed Adams waffles on his lap and sat down with his own. "Thanks, Jameson" Adam smiled as he began to cut into his plate of sugary goodness. He gathered a bite with a perfect amount of waffle, banana and syrup and brought it to his mouth. Adam immediately fell in love with the taste sensation James had cooked up. "James!" Adam exclaimed with a mouth full of waffles. "What are they really bad?? I knew i should've put more cinnamon... I'm sorr-" "These are delicious!!" Adam beamed. James giggled his signature giggle, "Thanks so much Adam"
*God he's perfect... His hair... His eyes... His smile...*
"Adam? Adaaammm...? Adam!" James is leaning over Adam and poking his cheek, interrupting his thoughts. "Oh, y-yeah James?" "I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the park" James sinks back into the couch. "Oh, sure I'm just gonna go to the bathroom really quick" Adam gets up and makes his way down the hall entering the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Adam runs his fingers through his hair drifting into his thoughts *Ack what wrong with me? Why can't I just tell him? I need to do something...* Adam grabs out his phone and types into google 'Good pick up lines' he clicks a link and practises a few in front of the mirror. Adam puts his hand on the doors handle and takes a deep breath. This is it. He's gonna do it...


"Oh, there you are let's go!" James nearly shouts jingling the keys as he opens the door. Adam smiles as he walks out the door moving next to James. It was quiet for a while until Adam awkwardly cleared his throat "U-uh you know James...?" James cocked his head as Adam took a deep breath. "Wh-whoever said Disneyland was the happiest place in the world obviously hasn't.. Stood next to y-you" James was quiet as Adam smiled awkwardly. "Thanks, Adam you're pretty great yourself." James returned the compliment not getting the hint that it was a pickup line. *Shoot he didn't understand what I meant... I'll try another* "J-james? I seem to have lost my phone number..." Adam hesitated. "Can I have yours?" James started at Adam blankly before breaking into a slight giggle. "Adam you goose! You have my number! You have for years. " Adam stared at the ground turning bright red. "Haha yeah, it was just a joke! Of course, I didn't legitimately use a pickup line on you..." Adam tried to laugh it off. "Why would we be anything else.." Adam mumbled for obvious reasons. "What was the last part, Adam?" "Nothing James!" Adam forced a smile while deep down his heart was slowly shattering into a million pieces. He should've known. James doesn't like him... he never will.  Why did he think he would? Negative thoughts drifted through Adams mind until- "Adam are you alright?" "Yea I'm fine" "You sure? You're crying" Adam put a hand to his face and sure enough, there were tears streaming along his cheeks. "Here" James grabbed a tissue and dabbed at his friends' cheeks gently as if Adam was a porcelain doll that would break if he pressed too hard. "Thanks, James but I'm fine" Adam turned his head. James wouldn't allow this and grabbed Adams chin turning his entire head to face him. "You're adorable when you try to act all tough for me" James chuckled as he let go if Adams face. "I-" "Adam you just need to accept that I care about you! A whole lot..."
Using the confidence that Adam totally has he cupped James' face with his hand and intertwined his lips with James' and- No. He hadn't done that he was still with James, about a ruler apart, standing on the edge of the path. "Let's go and sit down so you can tell me what's wrong. Okay?" James smiled as he dragged Adam to a nearby bench, making it clear that Adam didn't have a choice. "So what's up?" Adam fidgeted with the bottom of his hood and muttered "It's really nothing James. You don't need to make a fuss out of it..." James' sweet face turned a little frustrated. "Actually I do have to worry about it and you because I love you and you're my best friend!" James calmed himself and wrapped an arm around Adam and said a little more softly, "There's nothing to be afraid of Adam. I'm always here for you" James rested his head on Adam's shoulder. "You're such a doofus sometimes. You know that right?" Adam laughed as he stared off into the sky as the sun was slowly setting. The two of them stayed where they were for another 10 minutes until Adam noticed James had fallen asleep. He's so adorable. Adam envies how easily he can fall asleep. Adam gazed up at the sky now filled with stars twinkling above him, beginning to think aloud. "Why can't I get this right? I'm able to so easily flirt with other people... I'm usually so confident... But... This one's different..." Adam sighed as he stood up carefully moving James into his arms. "Well, here we go again, James..."

    ∆∆∆∆∆ Damn, they got home fast... ∆∆∆∆∆

Adam rummaged around James' jean pocket for his keys. Once he's found them he opened the door and stepped inside, heading straight to James' room for the second time. He lay James down just like he had last night. Just as Adam began to walk away he stumbled back a bit as James tugged on the bottom of Adams hood. James muttered half-awake "You can stay in my bed tonight Adam... I don't want you on the uncomfortable couch by yourself..." Adam hesitated but gave in and walked around to the other side of the bed shuffling under the covers as carefully as possible, not wanting to bother James. Adam was facing away from James but already missed his sweet face. Thinking James was asleep Adam carefully turned to face him but was greeted by James' face only inches from his own. Adam stared into James' very much awake eyes before stuttered. "O-oh sorry, James I didn't know you were awake... I shouldn't have done tha-" Adam was interrupted yet again but this time James grabbed Adams hands under the covers and squeezed them "Adam you need to calm down! What do you think I'm gonna say?" "I-I don't know..." Adam replied. "I don't know what's gotten into you. You're usually so confident!" Adam rolled onto his back and started up the ceiling. "I guess... I just don't want to mess anything up..." Adam muttered. James hummed in confusion. "I just... James I... I think I lo-"
"Its just Floof" James groans as he sits up and walks out of the room, Adam following. "What is it, girl?" James and Adam follow Floof to the front door. "Did you?" James looks at Adam but he shakes his head vigorously. The door had been left wide open.
"What was that?" James whispered in panic. He looked around and spotted a baseball bat in the half-open closet. He tiptoed over and grabbed the bat, continuing to carefully make his way towards the sound they had heard a moment ago.
So there's a cliffhanger... And I never wrote anymore lol. Welp that's a shame. I'm gonna continue with other stuff now xD

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