Furry thing

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Alright this was a website prompt that I never finished. I just hate where it's going. If you wanna finish it go ahead I don't mind. @TurboCat wanted to see this so thank them for this disaster.
I tried going through and editing this but I couldn't. It was too much cringe.
I'd advise you don't read this chapter but do whatever.
I'll stop talking now haha.

I'm sitting in my car wondering how my life has come to this. And how I let myself get persuaded into doing this. I glance to my right and see the top half of my outfit in the passenger seat. I guess I'm really doing this... I reach towards the passenger seat to place the second head on top of me. I'm actually going to the biggest furry convention dressed as a furry... I walk through the convention centres door to present my ticket. My friend Christian dared me to go in a fursuit and even paid for the suit and the tickets to the convention for me to do it. It feels strange walking around in this suit. Being a different person... I kinda like it... But I'm not telling Christian that.

I'm walking through the halls looking at the other people walking past me, admiring their fursuits. I've gotta say there are some really incredible characters here. As I'm distracted by the suits I don't realise someone walking towards me. I collide straight into them, bumping my head and stumbling back. "Ow..." I place a hand where I got hit. Oh right the fursuit... "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you alright??" I look up and see a bright blue wolf character with a yellow bandana and lighter blue dots under his eyes. "Woah that's such a cool fursona!" The guy giggles the most adorable giggle I've ever heard. "Thanks! I like yours too!" I can't help but smile at how lovely this person seems. "So what's your name?" I try to strike up a conversation. "Oh, uh, I go by Furby." I nod, "I'm Adam. I'm here on a dare... My friend wanted me to do it so bad he bought the fursuit and tickets!" 'Furby' laughed. "Since you're new here do you maybe wanna hang out with me for the day?" He asked shyly. "Sure! I honestly have no idea what I'm doing." Furby laughed again and lead me around the convention hall. 

We spent the day chatting with each other and other people. It was so much fun hanging out with all these kind people! I'm quite glad that Christian made me do this now. Plus I couldn't help but fall in love with Furby's personality... Or was just him in general... Anyway, Furby was in the middle of writing his number down for me when he suddenly stopped talking. "Oh god..." I raise an eyebrow, "What is it?" Furby looked around frantically. "I uh, g-gotta go... s-sorry!" He stands up quickly and rushes through the crowd. "No wait!" I stand up quickly as I call out to him. Why did he leave? Was it something I did? I rush through the crowd looking him before running into one of the people I met early today, Axel. "Hey! Have you seen Furby??" They're taken aback, "Woah okay calm down! What's up?" "I was talking to Furby but then he just got up and left!" Axel laughed. "Did he stutter at all?" I think back what he said. "Uhh... Yeah, yeah he did. Why?" Axel just snickered and shook his head. "He does this every time..." I look at him confused. "He likes you!" My eyes widen (not that Axel can tell). "H-how do you know that?" "Listen I've known Furby for a long time and I've picked up on how he acts." I'm shocked. This can't be true! "did he tell you the rubber duck story?" "Yeah..." Axel was quiet for a moment. "Wow he really does like you..." I'm confused and suddenly the room feels a lot warmer. "Do you like him?" ... "I- yes... But I still don't believe he likes me." I'm not gonna embarrass myself if theres a chance Axel is lying to me.  "Well first off when Furby realises he likes someone he freaks out and runs off without warning, like he did with you. Second he stutters a lot under stress, when he's lying or when he likes someone. And lastly, he only tells the rubber duck story to people he trusts a lot, which I've found from experience, are people he has a crush on." My mouth is wide open out of shock. "W-well where is he?" Axel thought for a moment, "He probably went home. Has he given you his number?" A frustrated sigh escapes my mouth, "No he was about to but thats when he left." "That sucks dude..." I've gotta find him. "I'm leaving. Bye." I bolt down the hall to the exit, only slowing down when I'm going past security staff. I make it out and sprint to my car. I throw my fursuit head back onto the passenger seat and make my way home.

Once I make it to my drive way I leap out of my car, fumbling with my keys to get the door to my apartment open. Once I'm inside I go straight to my computer and open Google. "What do I search... uh..." I type furby and look at the search suggestions. "Furby theodd1sout? What's that?" I click on the suggestion, it being the only promising search. I go to images and grin. There are pictures of Furby and some drawings too. I click on an image that seems to be a Youtube thumbnail. There's a link that heads to youtube so I click it. (this video is pretty much the script of FurryFoofi's video so yee.) "TheOdd1sOut. An artist, an animator and a very handsome boi." I quickly hit the space bar and pause the video. A slightly blurry picture of a tall blonde haired guy shirtless was put on the screen. I stare confused as there seems to be a... pop socket...? on one of his nipples. I press the space bar again cause I don't wanna stare to long. The person continues introducing who he is as cartoon clips play. "...and all of these different references have lead people to wonder, is James, TheOdd1sOut, a furry?" James? Is that his real name? I watch the video and what I gather is that Furby's real names is James Rallison and he has a YouTube channel. I decide that to prove that Furby and James are the same person I'll watch one of his videos and compare their voices. I search his channel up and look at the videos. One catches my eye. The thumbnail has a picture of James with sprinkles all over him and shades on. "10 Million Sprinkle Special..." I click the video, curious of what's going to happen. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the 10 million subscriber milestone." That sounds just like Furby! And the dog he's holding looks just like the picture of Furby's dog, Floof!  I keep watching. "Floof! And I got this new dog!" Oh my god it's Floof! "So if you're new to this channel... Welcome." I smile as I watch. He's got an adorable smile and he's absolutely hilarious. I finish watching the video and go to watch another one. "Oh wait- I came here to find Furby again!" I quickly head to instagram and find James' account and dm him. Hey I know you probably won't read this but are you Furby? This is Adam. "There that should do. I hope he replies..."

That's all I have. And I really don't wanna finish it hanfnan.
But you can. Tag me if you do cause if love to see how you finish it. Anywayyyyyy byeeeeeeeeEEEeEe!

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