🌹 Anonymous Rose 🌹

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***Hey, hey! This hasn't been edited yet but I wanted to get it posted so it'll probably be edited later on. Okay enjoy and happy Valentine's day! (I'm lowkey proud of this ;w;)***

"Valentines day is tomorrow??" James laughs at my forgetfulness. "Of course silly! How did you forget?" I freak out realising that today is the last day to buy roses for people. "I thought it was Tuesday!" James shakes his head. "Nope it's Thursday." "I still need to buy my crush a rose!" I start rummaging through my bag for any change a threw in here. "Are you gonna tell me who your crush is yet?" I stop rummaging for a moment. "Uh- I... no not yet..." James sighs. "Alright, then dude..." I finally get all the money I can find and count it up. "Phew... I have four dollars and 35 cents. I only needed four." I look to James and he looks kind of hurt. "Hey are you okay?" He looks up and smiles, "Yeah... I just... maybe you don't trust me with your secret... I'm sorry, I know it's stupid." I pull him into a hug. "James of course I trust you! I just... can't tell you this..." I stand back and smile at him for longer than I probably should have before breaking the silence. "Well I'm gonna go buy the rose before break ends. See ya!" I start to walk off when James runs back next to me. "I can come if you want." Oh no he can't come! If he sees his name on the rose he'll freak out... "Oh well the lines have been really long and I uh don't want you to be late." The lines haven't been long at all this week but I need an excuse. I cross my fingers and hope he believes my lie. "Mm.. okay then... see you tomorrow I guess." James walks down the other hall, thankfully. I wait until he turns the corner before continuing to the rose stand to buy the rose. I make it to the stand and wait in the line. Once the person in front of my walks off I step forwards and hand them my four dollars. "I'd like to buy a rose please." The girl smiles and hands me a tag from the box next to her and a pen to write on it. I need to write James' name and year level so it can be delivered to him tomorrow. Jaiden told me this would be a great way to tell him how I feel so I agreed. I start writing on the small tag.

"To James Rallison, year 10

I love you so much and I suppose this is my way of telling you. Would you like to go to a movie tonight?"

There that should do. I smile and hand the girl the rose back so it can be delivered. As I start walking away the bell rings for me to go to my last class of the day.


I walk into the eating area to find James. This is it... he's going to know... how's he going to react?? "Hey Adam! Happy Valentines day!" I feel my face go red and my legs go weak as I realise what I'm doing. Oh god. I wanna take back the rose. "H-happy Valentines day James!" James pats the seat next to him before grabbing out his lunch. I'm too busy worrying to notice James talking to me. "Adam? Are you even listening to me?" I whip my head around to James. "Oh uh... s-sorry I'm a little distracted..." James looks at me confused, "What's up? Is something on your mind?" I'm about to respond when I see students walking into the eating area with the box of roses. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. This is where I die. "James Rallison?" James' head perks up when he hears his name. He raises his hand shyly and the girl with the roses comes over to him. James takes the rose skeptically and turns to me. "Dude! I got a rose? Who would give me a rose??" I nod my head not able to open my mouth. He turns over the tag and reads it silently. I watch as his face turns red. "A-Adam..." I look at him worried for his response. "Someones in love with me but didn't sign their name!!" Wait what? "Th-they didn't sign their name?" I look over to the tag to look at what I wrote. Shoot... I didn't sign my name... "They invited me to the movie tonight. Should I go?" James asks. "Uh y-yeah!" I'm shaking as I realise the mess I've gotten myself into. James smiles and giggles hugging the rose. "I'm so excited!" I nod wondering how I'm gonna get myself out of this. "Hey guys!" I look up and see Jaiden in front of us. "Hi Jaiden!" James beams while I wave. "So Jammees did you get a rose?" Jaiden asks with a smirk on her face. I death glare at her, trying to signalise with my hands to stop. She looks at me like, "What?" James looks at Jaiden to answer her question, "Yeah I did! But the person didn't sign their name." Jaiden rolls her eyes and face palms. "Wow what a silly goose. How could someone mess that up?" Jaiden says mainly directing her comments to me. "I mean I suppose... But they invited me to the movies tonight! See? Look!" James excitedly puts the tag infront of Jaiden's face. She laughs, "Yes I do see. James doesn't your teacher get mad if you don't get to class five minutes early?" James looks down at his watch. "Oh shoot your right!" James stands up and swings his bag over his shoulder, "Thanks Jaiden!" James says over his shoulder as he practically skips away. Jaiden and I watch as James leaves. "Dude what the heck??" Jaiden turns back to me. "I know, I know... I can't believe I did that! It such a fan fiction-y type thing to happen!" Jaiden laughs, "Okay, one, fan fiction-y? And two do you readfan fiction?" She looks at me with a sly grin. My face turns red with embarrassment "Sh-shut up!" Jaiden laughs even more. "Alright well I'll come to your place to help you get ready for you date with James~" She declares. "What? Who said I was gonna go?" I stand up to leave but Jaiden grabs my wrist before I can leave. "What so your just gonna stand him up? You saw how excited he was!" I look down at the ground and sigh in defeat. "You're right..." I don't want to hurt him, he's the most precious person to ever exist. "Fine see you this afternoon..." I muttered as I walked away. A could practically feel her sense of triumph as I walked away.

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