🙃 Typical Jameson 🙃

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This story has a part based on the song i put above. When we get to it I'll tell you which part to go to :)

Adam walked up to James' porch. He planned on giving him a surprise visit because he's been working really hard lately. He knocked on the door before stepping back and waiting for James to come to the door. He waited a few moments but got impatient so he knocked again. After James still didn't answer Adam decided to peek through the window. Huh, the lights are on. It didn't take Adam long to decide to try and open the door considering most of his choices we're made based on impulse. He reached for the handle and twisted it. Adam chuckles to himself, Typical Jameson... He never locks his doors. Adam pushed the door open, stepped into the familiar household and looked around. Nothing had changed. It was just as clean and tidy as the last time he'd visited. As Adam started to make his way down the hallway to James' room he heard a melody being played on an acoustic guitar. Confused, Adam stopped outside James' room and listened. He didn't think James could play the guitar so it must just be some music. He listened closely as lyrics we're sung. That's definitely not James... It didn't take Adam long to realise the song was Happier by Ed Sheeran. But it also didn't take him long to realise it was his own voice. Adam listens carefully to confirm that it was, in fact, his voice and it was. The cover ended and there was some silence before more sound came from the room. Adams voice on its own, singing the national anthem. Adam immediately recognised what was being played when he heard James' voice singing too, in the bad audio quality coming from James' phone. The singing soon became incoherent rambling as fireworks started going off. James giggled and Adam couldn't help but smile. There was more silence until Adam heard his voice again, this time singing Same Drugs by Chance the Rapper. Once Adam realised what was playing he realised what James was doing. He was scrolling through Adams Instagram page. Adam sat down outside James door, with a goofy smile plastered on his face as he listened to James hum along to his singing. The song ended and there was more silence until James reached the next clip on Adams Instagram. It was Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Adam sighed wistfully and leaned backwards, but when he expected to reach the door and stop he kept going backwards. Adam landed on the floor with a groan. "A-Adam?!" Adam, still on the floor, looked over to James who was laying on his back, hanging his head over the side of his bed. "Oh uh... Hey James!" Adam smiled sheepishly. The boys were silent, only Adams singing flowing from the phone's speakers filling the room. James quickly realised his phone was still playing the video, causing him to sit up and scramble to stop it. "H-how long have you been here?" James' face was red with embarrassment, his eyes darting everywhere throughout the room except to Adam. "Uh, a while..." James moved his eyes to meet Adams and stared as Adam smiled back. After too long Adam spoke up, "So, you like my covers?" James nodded shyly. Adam smiled and nodded. "Do you mind if I sing something for you?" James looked to Adam surprised but shook his head, propping his head up with his hands. Adams cleared his throat and sat up, crossing his legs. (this is the bit with the song. If you wanna hear the part he's singing go to 2:03 of the video above) "You were so witty and so charming. You swept me off my feet. You made me laugh, you made me blush. Oh, no one could compete... No one could compete..." Adam took a deep breath not daring to look James in the eyes as he continued. "It seemed too good to be true. I wanted to be with you, and only with you. We clicked like legos or the clacking of tap shoes..." James watched with a red face. Could he be talking about me? "You said hey, I said hello. I gotta know do you feel this way?..." Adam trailed off and carefully look up to meet James' eyes. James fidgeted with his fingers making Adam nervous. Did he understand that I'm talking about him? What if he doesn't feel the same? What if- "Yeah I do, but I was scared of what you might say..." Surprise took over Adams previously worried face. "R-really? This isn't some sick joke?" James shook his head and smiled. "I'd never joke about this." James got off his bed and sat cross-legged in front of Adam, mirroring him. They sat in silence until Adam blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" causing both the boys faces to burn red. James nodded shyly, as he slowly leaned towards Adam. Adam hesitated. He didn't think James would say yes. They moved closer and closer until their lips finally brushed against each other. A chill ran down James' spine as he sat back quickly, flustered. Both of them stared into their laps, embarrassed. Adam started standing up, "C-cool so uh... should I go?-" "NO!" Adam, shocked and confused, sat back down. "I-I mean... You don't have to. I don't... want you to." Adam smiled and ruffled James' hair, "Alright then. What would you like to do?" James thought for a moment. "Watch a movie!" James leapt up, grabbed Adams hand and ran to the living room. Once they were there James let go of Adam's hand and dived onto the couch. "You're stronger than you look, James," Adam chuckled and sat down next to James, "So what're we gonna watch?" James scrolled through Netflix, looking for something to watch. "Oh, how about Detective Pikachu?" Adam laughed and tried to mimic Pikachu. "Oh wait it's Ryan Reynolds! Hi, Sup, Pikachu. Pika pi~!" James giggled at Adams attempt to copy the actor's voice as he pressed play. Adam shuffled around a little, trying to get comfortable. He eventually settled on James' shoulder. James smiled and wrapped an arm around Adam. "I love you, James," Adam mumbled, closing his eyes. "I love you too Adam." The pair fell asleep on the couch, Ryan Reynolds voice echoing from the tv. 

Wassup gang! We gots some epic news. James is in a relationship! Been talking to some people on AKifLIVES's discord (which you should join btw) and people were coming up with theories, me included. I think we all need to remember with it's Adam or not that the important this is that James is happy. UnipieWrites mad a great chapter bout this on their Jadam book so go read that. Anyway, might be Adam, might not be, either way, we gotta be happy and keep makin Jadam content if it makes us happy. Keep doing your thing guys! :3

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