We Fell In Love In October

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Anyone here uh... Listen To Girl In Red. I don't. I personally Listen To Sweater Weather. But I do like to listen to girl in red.
But nonetheless, it's a great months to love ✨women✨
So have a chapter themed around this magical song.
It's not very polished or long but uh... October's running out. So here you go!

"Here, grab my hand," Adam smiles down at me. I nervously grab his hand and he hoists me up the last few rings of the ladder and onto the roof of his house.

I finally make it off the ladder and sit down, thoroughly out of breath. This is dangerously high.

"Come over here, Jameson," Adam calls from the highest point of the roof. "Nope. No way. That's way too high."

Adam chuckles and walks over to me, "Come on," he holds his hand out for me.

I sigh. I really will do anything for this man, huh?

Adam leads me up the angled roof to a flat part for us to stand on.

My heart is beating out of my chest as I look over the side of the house. If I make even one wrong move I could end up in the hospital.

"Hey, don't look down there. We're not going that way. Look at me," Adam moves my head to face him, noticing my worry. Adam pulls me into a quick hug then stands back. He grabs my arms and places them over his shoulders before resting his hands on my waist.

I grin at him and rest my head on his shoulder as he sways us back and forth.

We pull away from each other slowly, Adam kissing my forehead before letting go of my waist.

"This way," he smiles at me and grabs my hand.

He leads me along the roof to the high point he was at before. As soon as we make it up I'm greeted by the most beautiful view.

The sun setting along the horizon, mesmerising, warm colours floating through the sky. It looks magical.

Adam pats the spot on the ledge next to him. I carefully scoot over and cross my legs, not being brave enough to let my feet hang over the edge like Adam is.

Adam grips my hand and smiles at me, "You'll be my boy someday. We'll move far away. Where nobody can stop us." I smile shyly and look at my lap.

"Not your parents, not my brother and not our audience. You're my entire world, Jameson. Nobody can stop me from loving you." His words make me feel so loved. I wish we could show our affection for each other more publicly. 

"They won't stop me either. I love you with all of my heart." Adam smiles and me and squeezes my hand.

We watch as the sun goes down, simply enjoying some comfortable silence. 

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