The Amazing Race - Oneshot - Part 1?

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***Bit of context. This is a show where pairs race around the world for prize money. They do some food challenges, physical challenges etc. Most of it should be explained in the story but if you don't understand or want more info google the show :)***

                              Adam POV
The sun shines through my window and onto my drawing tablet creating a slight glare. I'm in the middle of my latest animation when I get an email. I usually don't check emails immediately but I need a break from animating so I open it. Straight away I notice that James has been sent the email too. Continuing to read I see a paragraph talking about how the younger generation doesn't watch TV anymore. Yee I know get to the point. "So without further ado, we are inviting you, 'SomethingElseYT' and 'TheOdd1sOut' to compete in the TV show The Amazing Race." It's an invitation? "You will race around the world with your partner and complete challenges. Winning the race gets you $100 000 in prize money. As well as this, winning individual rounds earn you smaller prizes." There are cash prizes? That would help a lot... Plus it'll be fun to travel around with James... "All of the expenses will be covered and you will be flown to Vietnam for the start of the race in 1 months time. Once both you and James have decided whether to compete or not please reply to this email. Sincerely, The Amazing Race Team."

I wonder if James has read the email...

James' POV
"The Amazing Race Floof!! With Adam!" I sigh imagining Adams's face. "I wonder if he's seen the email yet.." Snatching my phone off the table I type out a message to Adam.

‹you seen that email dude?            

             Have you seen the email??›

‹lol guess you have. Gonna do it? I don't mind

Heck yeah, Adam!! Let's do it ›:D›

‹haha alright ill send the confirmation email
"Yes!!" Leaping out of my chair i run over to Floof and hug her. "Aw no but I'll have to leave you here... Maybe Jaiden can look after you... But it's okay Floof cause when I'm back I'll get you heaps of treats and pats!!" Alright, I'd better finish the animation and maybe film so videos for my second channel for while I'm away.

×∆×∆×∆× One month later ×∆×∆×∆×
"Adam!! Are you ready??" I knock frantically on Adams door. "Hurry up!!" "I'm comi-" THUD! "Adam? You okay?" I hear Adam groan before replying "Yee I'm fine" the doorknob twists and Adam stands in front of me. He's wearing a common sense hoodie and some jeans. His hair is hardly presentable and he was putting his glasses on as he opened the door. I push him into the taxi that was waiting for us and throw both our bags in the back of the car. I slide into the back of the car with him. "Thanks for waiting. We're off to the airport." The driver nods and starts the engine. I lean over to Adam and reach across his chest. "Seatbelt" "Oh thank you" I chuckle and reach up to his hair and attempt to fix it. "Dude you look like you just woke up!" Adam looks at me like I'm crazy. "That's cause I did!" I sit back from fixing Adams hair. "There. That's a bit better" I look down and see Adams laces undone. "Do you need me to tie your laces too?" I smirk as Adam turns red. "Psh no! I'm a big boy!" I laugh as I sit back in my seat.

                           Adam POV
It's quiet for the last few minutes of the ride. When we arrive, after a lot of arguing, James pays and then he helps me out. The wheels of our suitcases rattle as we bring them inside the airport. "Alright let's check-in. Can you find the tickets on your phone, Adam?" I nod and start rummaging through my files to locate our tickets. I find them right as we get up to the counter. "You're at gate 23. Enjoy your flight." Once we're through security we decide to get some drinks. Picking a cafe was hard but once we did we sat at a table and started looking at the menu. As i was looking at the menu James leaned over and start touching my hair again. "Can I help you, Jameson?" He chuckles. Gosh, he's adorable when he laughs. "You've already managed to mess up your hair ya big goof" "Thanks so much James I love you too," I say sarcastically. I notice James' face turn a little pink as he sits back. He's just a little warm... "Hello, do you know what you'd like to order?" I look up and see a waitress standing next to our table with a notebook and pen. "Oh uh not yet" James smiles at the lady. "Can I interest you in a couples breakfast?" The lady points at the menu. James and I burn red. "W-what? I mean w-we're not... We aren't a couple" James stutters as I sink into my hoodie embarrassment. "Oh my goodness I'm so so sorry! I-I'll be back soon with a complimentary item." She buried her head in her hands as she ran off. My head is still buried into my hood and my eyes are shut closed. I can feel James' eyes on me. "That was... Interesting" James laughs awkwardly. I slowly sit up. "That's one word for that situation..."
I see another waiter coming over with some pastries. "I apologize for that mistake. She's a new employee." "Its really fine" James shrugged. "These pastries are on the house. Do you know what you'd like to order?" "I'll have a vanilla milkshake" James looked over to me. "Oh, I'll have a chocolate milk" The waiter nodded and walked off.

"That was a good milkshake!" James leaned back in his chair. "And the pastries were good. Especially since they were free!" James laughs and checks his phone. "Ah, Adam! We need to get the gate! We're gonna be late!" James and I stand up quickly and grab our bags, practically sprinting through the airport. We arrive as the line has only two people left. "Phew... Made it" James sighs and grabs my hand dragging me to the line. I don't think he realises but he's still holding my hand. The staff let us through and as we're walking through the tunnel (is that what it's called? I dunno) James seems to realise he still has my hand and quickly lets go. "And I wondered why the waitress thought we were a couple!" I laugh as James speeds a little ahead of me. I shift back next to him as James shows the flight attendant our tickets. We go through to find our seats. "16, 15, 17, 18... Wait 17!" James moves back. "Here we go." We have two seats on the side of the plane. A window and an aisle seat. "You sit down James I'll but our bags up" James hesitates. "You sure? It might be heavy..." "I'll be fine James just sit down!" James laughs as i pick up the bags and put them in the overhead lockers. Once James and I have settled the flight attendant starts the safety demonstration and then the plane takes off. "Here we go, James!" I look over to James and see him staring out the window. James whips around "This is gonna be awesome!"

Sweet! All done. Well, not done. I was thinking I'd split this into parts if you liked it. I've had this idea for a while now and if they were actually on the show I'd be so happy xD
Also sorry there wasn't much Jadam stuff in this but there is more to come. I just needed to get the story set up. Ya know? Cool. This was about 1200 words. Something like that. Any tips, let me know and I'll cya next time. Bye!

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