📞 A weird call 📞

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I honestly don't know what this is, or why I wrote it but... Here you go lol

Adam's POV
I stare at my laptop screen, it being the only light brightening my room. I should've gone to sleep hours ago but I'm still here trying to figure out these lyrics. I'm seriously considering throwing my laptop out my apartment window. Groaning, I rest my head in my hands, closing my eyes for a moment. I slowly start drifting to sleep, my head sliding off my hands. I'm about to loose consciousness when my head slams against my keyboard, playing the recording on max volume. I jolt up. "Jesus christ," I mutter. This is pointless. I have no idea what I'm doing. How can I be a musician if I can't come up with lyrics or a melody? This should be simple! I rest my head on my desk, pouting. My pity party is soon interrupted by my phone vibrating on the desk. I sit up and look at the screen. 

Incoming call from: Jameson

I wonder why James is calling me so late. Picking up my phone I question him. "Hey James. What's up? Why're you calling me so late?" Theres some muffled talking before I hear Jaiden's voice. "Hey Adam! It's me! I just need to tell yo- Go away James!" Jaiden is giggling in-between words and I can hear James shouting frantically, asking for his phone. "Did you take James' phone?" "Yeah, for a good reason! I need to tell you that James is in lo-" Jaiden's suddenly cut off and James comes back. "S-sorry bout that." "It's okay I guess? What was Jaiden gonna say?" James sounds really nervous for some reason. "I- uh- it was-" "It's that he loves you!!" My eyes widen and my face grows warm. He what? "He thinks you're cute and wants to kiss every inch of your face!" I can hear James shouting at Jaiden while she continues to list... whatever this is. "He gets you to stay up late so he can hear your deep, sexy voice!" "J-Jaiden! Shut up!" I sit in awe, letting this situation unfold. "Give me my phone ba-" "He wants to be with youuu!" I pull the phone from my ear, confused out of my mind. Even with the phone on the desk I can hear Jaiden and James' voices echoing through my room. "Jaiden! Stop!" "Hah! You should see James' face Adam! He's so red!" "Th-that's cause you're lying and this is weird!" "Alright look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love Adam." James is quiet for a moment. "I don't... I don't love... Fine! I do! Now give me my phone!" Jaidens cackling becomes quieter as, I'm assuming James gets his phone back. I bring my phone back up to my ear. Before I can comment on what just happened the call ends. What on earth just happened?? I open my messages with James. 

A: yo what was that about
J: Sorry. Jaiden's staying at my house tonight and she took my phone.

I think for a moment. I need to phrase this question right and in a way that'll get me an answer...

A: do u like me

Perfect... Okay not that perfect but whatever. I stare at my phone waiting for an answer but nothing comes. As I'm setting my phone back onto my desk a message comes through.

A: jaiden give james his phone back

I roll my eyes at the obnoxious amount of emojis.

J: Hey this is James now.
J: And yeah I do.

Pfft. I see what you're doing Jaiden.

A: you can't trick me jaiden. give james his phone back
J: This is James. Heh heh...

I stare at my phone. Okay either my best friend and crush is in love with me, or Jaiden is playing some weird prank...

A: is it? i need proof. whats that thing i told you that ive never told anyone else?
J: When you were six you thought pigs could actually fly after hearing the expression "When pigs fly." You also ended up thing that phrase meant something could happen soon cause of it lol.

After re-reading James' recent text five times I reply.

A: so it is you
J: Yeah... sorry this is so weird. If you don't wanna be friends anymore I totally respect your decision.

He loves me... He actually loves me! Like... me! Adam Ortiz, world's biggest loser- how is this... possible?? 

A: i love you too 
A: but i dont understand
J: Don't understand what?
A: why

I stare at my phone screen waiting for a response. There is literally no reason for him to love me. I suck. I'm... me. I just don't get it...

J: Why I love you?
A: ye i guess
J: That's easy.
J: It's cause you're the nicest person I've ever met. You make me happy no matter what and you're someone I can play Mario with. Someone I can hang out with forever and never get tired of. Not to mention you're adorable and hot at the same time!? Like how!?
J: I just read that again and it sounds weird sorry-

I re-read James' text five times before replying. 

A: you think that? man i totally disagree with all of that...
A: youre the nicest person on this planet and you make me happy, surely not the other way around. and i cant believe you wouldnt get tired of me. im pretty hard to deal with. and sorry what? youre the adorable one
J: I don't know how you can't believe me when you're literally so perfect.
J: Well I'm gonna go. Jaiden's teasing me >;/
A: wait before you go
J: Yeah?
A: wanna go catch a movie on saturday?

I nervously watch as the typing bubble appears. What if he says no? He probably will... right? I shouldn't get my hopes up.

J: That sounds wonderful. I'd love to :)
A: oh cool. uh yeah so... cya 
J: Talk later

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