Bailed Out

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This is kind of short but I hope you enjoy it cause I think it's kind of funny. 

"L-Listen, sir. This is all a big misunderstanding!" James stutters.  "Of course it is. Sit here," a police officer grumbles sternly, pointing at a plastic chair in his office. James sits down, shakily and sighs.

If James just hadn't have gone out tonight, he wouldn't be here, held at a police station, for destruction of property. And maybe if it weren't for Casey breaking the window and blaming it on James, everything would be fine. 

"Alright... James. You may call someone to come pick you up. Make it quick," The officer hands James his phone, which had been confiscated. "Thank you!" James quickly goes to his contacts and calls his mum, bringing the phone to his ear. 

The phone rings six times, but nobody picks up. James chuckles nervously, "S-sorry one second." He fiddles with his phone and tries his dad. 

Same problem. 

James keeps trying different people for five minutes but nobody picks up or they're not able to come to get him. Fair enough, since it's midnight, but still not ideal! 

With low battery and dying hopes, James tries to find someone else to call before he hears the officer sigh, "This is your last call, or you'll have to stay here overnight."

His heart skips a beat as he looks over his options. Not many.

But one name on the list stands out. 


They aren't on good terms, but Adam always used to drop everything for James. And considering he has no better options, he presses the call button. 

He raises the phone to his ear and listens to the phone ringing in his ear. 

"Why hello, Sweetcheeks. Nice to see you're talking to me again." James takes a deep breath to keep himself from getting mad and ruining his chances of Adam picking him up.

"Uh... I kinda got arrested and need someone to bail me out?..." Adam chuckles, "Alright, I'm on my way. Send me the address. Okay, Gorgeous?" 

James gulps and nods, making a slight hum as a response.

Once Adam has hung up James quickly sends him the street they're on and looks up at the police officer, "Someone's on their way." The officer nods and turns to his computer, typing something out.


Eventually, Adam arrives and manages to free James from the station. 

They walk to Adams car and start driving. As they're driving, Adam speaks up, "So... What do I get in return?" James looks at him, confused. "What?" "Well, you ruined my night so I think you owe me something." James rolls his eyes and scoffs, "As if I'd ever give you anything." 

Adam looks at James and raises an eyebrow before quickly slamming his foot on the breaks. 

"What the frick, Adam!?" "Get out." James looks out the window at the unfamiliar road. He turns back to Adam and shakes his head, quickly. 

"You owe me, or you get out."

"But, I don't wanna get out."

"You only get a ride if I get something in return."

"That's RIDICULOUS, Adam!" 

"I think I'm being reasonable." 


"Well, get out then." 


"You owe me though." 

"AH!" James groans and flings his head back. He crosses his hands across his chest and pouts. "Fine. What do you want?"

Adam smiles a cocky and victorious grin, "Why, a date would be sufficient." James scoffs, "Yeah, yeah. For real though." 

When Adam doesn't respond, James turns to him to see a smile resting on his face. He isn't joking. 

"I- uh... I'm not sure... Wh-why do you?..." "You owe me and I want a date," Adam explains, "I can stop the car again if you wa-" "Okay, fine!" James gives up, "I'll go on a date with you...Not cause I like you though! I still hate you! This is just because I owe you." 

Adam chuckles and shakes his head, "Yeah, of course." 

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