Fortune teller

152 8 12

This is a little old but I couldn't be bothered to fix it.

"Hm... what to do..." I look around the carnival at all the different tents. "I think we've done everything, dude." "Yeah," I sigh. 

I look up and spot a tent we haven't checked out yet. "Except that one!" James looks at the tent I point at and reads out the sign sceptically, "Find your fortune, find your love? That sounds lame." "Hm?" "I mean, it's just for people who are so lonely they think some stranger can tell them what to do with their life." "O-oh! Yeah! It's just for the meme... of course," I decide to hide the fact that I'm genuinely intrigued. 

"Alright, I guess," James shrugs and we walk up to the tent.

"Ah, hello there," an old lady greets us. "Uh... hi," I wave at her. "Take a seat," she gestures to the two cushions on the floor in front of her. 

James and I sit down and listen to her talk. 

"I can already feel it," she starts, closing her eyes and tracing her hands over a crystal ball in front of her, "You're here to see your future in love." She opens her eyes and turns to me. 

"Me?" I ask nervously. She hums and takes my hands in hers, "Mm, yes. I can feel your loneliness. Your fears. Don't worry, young one. I hold the answers." 

James rolls his eyes, but I'm really interested in what she has to say.

"Your true soulmate isn't all that far. For they might be someone you already know." James sighs, annoyed but I'm hanging on every word. "They're beautiful at heart as well as beautiful on the outside, though they don't know." 

She nods and hums, "Ah, yes. I can see them." "R-really?" I ask, amazed. "Yes. They have short blonde hair and brown eyes. Fair skin and a skinny sillohite (how speeel?)." She's describing this person so well! How does she do it??" 

"They're wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt with blue jeans and some cheap runners from Target." 

Wait, what?

"And he just happens to be rolling his eyes right this very second." I turn to James who's rolling his eyes. Once he realises what she just said he stops and stares at her. 

"Wh- You just described James!" "Precisely. He is your soulmate," she says, "Now that'll be thirty dollars." "Thirty!?" "It's fine, Jameson. I'll pay," I sigh and fish a twenty and a ten out of my wallet. 

The lady grins, checking the amount I gave her as we walk out. 

"Well, that was a waste of money! Just for an old hag to tell us we're soulmates??" James fumes and shakes his head. "I dunno, James. Maybe... she's right?" "Right?? You must've lost your mind! Did she brainwash you while we were in there??" 

I chuckle and sigh, "Right... sorry. I shouldn't have said that." James goes quiet for a moment before hesitantly speaking up, "Y-you weren't kidding?" "I mean... no. But it's fine." 

James goes quiet again as we walk.

After a couple minutes, James stops in his tracks, "Do you want her to be right? About us being... soulmates?" James almost forces the last sentence out of his mouth. 

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to admit, "Uh, yeah. I guess I just... really like you." "Oh," James mutters. 

I look at his face, and though it's dark, I can still see the red tint on his cheeks.

I turn away from him and stare at the ground while I walk.

I really shouldn't have said that. I knew he wouldn't feel the same and yet I opened my stupid mouth.

As we're walking I feel a fist hit my shoulder. I turn to James who's now stopped walking.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I immediately notice the quiver in his voice and the tears resting in the corners of his eyes.

I'm about to apologise but he starts smiling.


"You should've told me sooner, you idiot!" He chuckles, the tears now slowly falling down his face.

"Why? What? I'm not following. Are you okay?"

James takes a quick step forward and hugs me tightly, his arms wrapped around my waist and head buried in my shoulder.

I freeze out of shock. What's gotten into him?

I slowly swing my arms over his shoulders and hug him back.

James hugs me tighter once my arms are around him.

My face flushes a bright red when he rests his head on mine.

"Is this... pity?" I ask, hesitantly.

I feel James shake his head, "Far from it."

He goes quiet again.


James stands back suddenly and grabs my hands. He looks into my eyes and smiles, "Do you wanna go on a date with me?"

I stare, dumbfounded, as my entire face gets warm.

"M-me? On a date with... You?" James nods enthusiasticly.

"I thought..." I decide not to finish my sentence by shaking my head. "Yeah!! I-I'd love to!" James smiles and hugs me again. This time I'm faster to hug back.

Hello, hello. Took me a while to upload here.

Just let you know in case you didn't see it earlier on, I'd love requests! I do have plenty of ideas but I'd love something from you guys. Tell me what you'd like to see. Whether you just wanna see more angst or whatever let me know.

If you have a specific prompt that's also appreciated! It could be super specific or you could just give me a sentence or piece of dialogue to start me off. Whatever you'd like.

So ye! Prompts/requests pleaseee haha

Anyway, hope you're having a good day :]

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