😔 "I never should've trusted you." 😔

444 17 33

I hate my profile picture and I'm changing it! :D
I know- I can't make up my mind- I might make it a drawing I did of Adam cause it's better than the other oneeeee.
 okay continue. (or don't if you don't like angst)

***Angst Warning***

Adam's POV (I keep forgetting to put the POV sorry)
This moment feels too good to be true. He's a good kisser. Why don't I want this to end? I know this is wrong... Why do I keep letting this happen? Wh-

"Adam!?" I pull away quickly. "A-and... Maaz?..." James is standing at the door in disbelief. Tears welling up in his eyes, resting there for a second before pouring down his face.

"James I-"

"Why would you do this?... Why the heck would you do this!?" He shouts in disbelief.

I stare at the floor. Honestly, I'm kind of scared of James. He never raises his voice. He's usually so soft and gentle. I've really messed up.

"Cause I'm obviously better than you," Maaz says triumphantly. I glare at him before turning back to the heartbroken man at the door.

"That's not true. You're better than any-" I take a step forwards but James interrupts me and puts his hand out.

"Stop. Don't you dare take a step further." I freeze, not wanting to upset him anymore.

"If that were true, this whole thing wouldn't have happened." James gestures to Maaz and I. The disgusting snake next to me has a smirk plastered on his face. I turn to him angrily.

"Wipe that smile off your face! You've ruined everything!"

Maaz rolls his eyes, still smirking, "It's not like it's all my fault. You kissed me back."

My bubbling anger quickly lowers. He's right. This is just as much my fault as it is his... And if not that possibly more.

"Now, why don't you forget about him and be happy with me instead?" Maaz's words make my heart ache.

I look over to James. He looks broken. His eyes dull and glassy, his usually gorgeous smile gone.

I stare at Maaz quelling the desire to punch him square in the jaw.

I turn back to James to try to fix this mess, but my face is immediately pulled back to face Maaz.

He quickly pulls my face towards his, pressing our lips together. I try to pull away but he's holding the back of my head, keeping me in place. Before I can push away I find myself sinking into the kiss. Again.

"I guess I'm not good enough, huh?" James' sorrowful voice catches my attention.

I lean back quickly. "Baby, I'm so sorry! Just- please... give me another chance."

"I can't Adam... This is... too much." Thinking for a moment I try to figure out what means.

"Oh, you need some time away from me?" James nods his head and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Permanently." I freeze. Permanently?


"How long has this been going on?" James asks me.

I can't lose him! He's everything to me!

"Uh- not long..."

"Three months," Maaz interjects. James' eyes widen.

"Three mon- this has been happening for that long??" Tears start streaming down his face all over again.

"N-no! I- ...Alright maybe it has..."

James wipes his face on his sleeve before regaining his composure. "I just- I don't understand why! Am I boring? Not good enough for you? Are you just that selfish to not tell me you don't love me anymore??" The emotion in his voice rips my heart into a million pieces.

"J-James no! I love you! So, so mu-"


The room goes quiet. All I can hear is James' heavy breathing.

"I never should've trusted you. I can't believe I ever did."

James turns on his heels, leaving us. Tears fall down my face.

"Hey, it's okay Adam. At least now there's no reason I can't call you babe," Maaz chuckles.

My blood boils. My hands shake. My tears run down my face. "That's the last thing I want."

I run out of my room and speed outside. Spotting James' blue Subaru, I run down my driveway shouting as loud as I can, hoping he'll hear me from inside his car.

He does.

But all he does is shake his head and start the engine.

I shout more frantically. But it doesn't work. James just drives away from my house... and me.

MmmMmmm good ol' angst. 
So I wanna thank @MariDear and intergalactic_cookie for editing this and giving me feedback! (wattpad on my laptop bein' stoopid and not letting me tag intergalactic >:( 
I don't even know if it'll work for Mari but we'll see won't we?) 
I did formatting oOooOo. I'll try to keep doing that but uh... I don't even know if I did it right so... yeahhh okay good bye gamerssSSs

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