👨‍🏫 The new teacher 👨‍🏫

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Hey guys! I don't know if you remember but one or two chapters ago I put a list of upcoming stories. I was wondering if you guys could let me know which one you wanna see next? Go ahead and comment the interesting sounding ones. Thanks and on with this one :D

"Attention everyone!" Shawn stands up from his desk and claps to get our attention. "We have a new teacher coming on board today! I want you all to give him a warm welcome when he arrives at lunch for a tour." My colleagues murmur to each other about the new employee. I wonder to myself what he'll be like. Maybe a friend? I wasn't successful in befriending my colleagues... maybe this guy will be a new chance...

Lunch comes after what feels like forever. Let me tell you teaching maths to teenagers is a pain! I won't get too into it but boy am I glad its finally lunch. I head to the staffroom and plop myself down at my desk. I grab out the practice exams my class did and start marking them as I eat my sandwich. As I'm working I hear the staffrooms door open. "And this is the staffroom. I'll introduce you to everyone." My head shoots up. Is this the new guy?? I see the principal walking through the room. There's obviously someone behind him. "Don't be shy!" I watch, not daring to blink as a guy with dark brown hair and circular glassed emerges from behind the wrinkly sultana that is our principal. He starts pointing around the room, "That's Jerry, Connor, Tom, Jessica, Shawn, Jacob, Maria and Chloe." I sigh and turn back to marking the tests. Of course, he forgot me again... "Now shall we g-" "Wait. Who's that?" I glance up and see the new guy pointing at me. I feel the blood rush to my face as it turns red. "Oh. Him? That's just James. Anywa-" "I'm Adam." He walks up to my desk and holds his hand out, "Nice to meet you." I can feel the eyes of the entire room on me. I stare blankly at him, frozen with my mouth open. He draws his hand back and smiles when I don't take it. "Uh, I guess I'll see you around." The principal and the new guy, who I now know is named Adam, leave the staffroom. The second the door closes everyone around me starts laughing. I groan and place my head on the desk as my colleagues make fun of me.

+*. Three Days Later .*+

The weekend went too quick. All I did was mark tests and it was a pain. I got to school at 5 so I had time to mark the three tests I didn't finish. I swung the door open and was greeted by someone standing in the kitchen making a coffee. "Ah!" I freaked out not used to there being anyone here this early. The person swung around revealing their face. "A-Adam!?" He smiled awkwardly. "I uh..." He chuckled and went back to stirring his drink. "You always seem lost for words..." I try to calm myself down to explain myself. "S-sorry. I'm just not used to there being anyone here this early." Adam turns around with a mug in one hand. "Let's try this again shall we?" He held out his hand just like last week. I smile and shake his hand. "So uh, what subject do you teach?" I try to spark a conversation."Oh, I teach music. How about you?" I smile, "Math." He nods his head as it falls silent. I glance down and realise I'm still holding his hand. "Oh, s-sorry!" I draw my hand back and shove both my hands into my pockets. He laughs. Other teachers start coming into the staffroom. But I barely notice as Adam and I engage in a friendly conversation.

Before we know it the bell rings and we have to get to the classes we're teaching. I say goodbye to Adam and rush off to my classroom, the unmarked practice tests still in my bag. Once I get to the classroom students are already misbehaving. One kid sees me and elbows his friend who nudges everyone else. They fall silent. I unlock the door and he kids rush inside. I never understand why they try to get into the class so quickly. They obviously aren't excited to learn. I plug in my laptop and tell the class to write down the date and title. I rest my head in my hands. Adam is absolutely amazing... he's kind, fun to talk to and not to mention he's so- "Sir! We're done!" I sit up quickly, "Oh sorry..." One kid whispers something to their friend. "Were you thinking about something sir?" Before I can reply the kid continues, "Or someone?" My face turns red, "Wh- I- No! We're moving on." Everyone laughs so I walk over to the board and write "Lunchtime." Everyone shuts up quickly.

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