🎉 Birthday Party Mistake 🎉

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It's my birthdayyy!... I should focus on writing... 
That was a reference. Hope you got it lol.
Anywaysss it's my birthday toddayyy and I wrote thissss. And I hate itttt but hope you enjoy anywayy¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Hurry up, James!! We're gonna be late!" I stumble out of the bathroom, adjusting my belt. "Nearly there," I call out. Hopping down the stairs, I try to slide my shoes on. It doesn't work so I just shuffle to the car with half done-up shoes. Adam holds the door open for me, before locking it and making his way to the driver's seat. "You got her present?" Shoot the present. I jump out of the car with my now done-up shoes and sprint back to the house. "Adam keys!" I run back to the car window and Adam tosses me the keys. After nearly dropping them, I speed back to the door, open it and rush inside. Where is it?? Ah, there! After spotting the neatly wrapped box I grab it and run back to the car. I nearly trip four times but somehow I'm still on my feet. Throwing the car door open, I jump back into the seat. "Let's go."

After a five minute long ride of worrying about what else we might've forgotten, we arrive at Jaiden's house. We walk up to the door, holding hands. Adam knocks and we wait a moment before being greeted by our friend. She has a big smile and she's wearing a party hat. "James! Adam! Welcome!" We smile and greet her. "Take this. It's mandatory." I look at what we're being given. There are two sparkly party hats, one blue, one red. "Should I have the blue and you have red?" I turn to Adam and he nods, taking the red one from Jaiden's hands. I put mine on my head and smile. "Okay, now you may enter." Adam and I walk inside and look around. All our other animator friends are already here, having fun. "Alright guys, let's watch a movie!"

We all gather on the couch while Jaiden sets up a horror movie. I made sure to be next to Adam since horror movies scare me sometimes. Well, all the time. Though, I'd be lying if I said I don't like horror movies cause they give me an excuse to be closer to Adam. The start of the movie isn't scary at all but I'm not patient today. I immediately latch onto Adam's arm, resting my head on him. He chuckles and places a hand in my hair.

The movie ended pretty quickly and I wasn't too scared. I was pretty distracted by Adam, but whatever. "Hey, James and Adam? Could you go get the cake from the kitchen? We're gonna choose the next movie." I nod and get up. Adam follows me to the kitchen. The cake is sitting on the counter. It has white icing and little star sprinkles all over it. "Should we cut it up?" I nod, "Sounds like a good idea." Adam rummages through a drawer and finds a knife. He starts cutting them into pieces. After placing a slice on a plate he reaches to his face and readjusts his glasses. In the process, he manages to get some icing on his cheek. Before he can pick the knife back up I lick it off him. He looks at me, confused. "You had some icing on your face," Adam smirks. "I was saving that for later." He turns to me and pulls me towards him, intertwining our lips. Adam pushes me against the counter, kissing me with all the passion he has in him. Adam's hand has made its way to my hair. He's twirling a tuft of hair around his finger. I wrap my arms around his waist, never wanting to let go. Adam stops playing with my hair to pull me closer towards me if that's even possible. He deepens the kiss, leaning further and further, pushing me further against the kitchen counter. Adam's chest is pushed against mine. "Yo where's the cake a- oh snap." I shoot my eyes to the door where Jaiden, Alex and Rebecca are all standing. Adam quickly steps away from me, fiddling with his fingers. "Eh heh... cake anyone?" Everyone bursts out laughing. "Sure thing. Oh man, that was hilarious!" I glance at Adam and see him with a bright red face. I giggle knowing I probably look the same. Jaiden finishes cutting a slice out for everyone and we all head back to the living room. Adam speaks up for the first time in a while. "H-hey uh, Jaiden? I'm really sorry..." Jaiden giggles. "It's fine Adam. No need to apologise. Just try not to eat your boyfriend when your at someone else's house." Both our faces become the brightest red they ever have. Everyone laughs and Jaiden starts the movie. After a while, I carefully move my hand to Adams. He smiles warmly and rests his head on my shoulder.

The movie ends, we give Jaiden our gift and decide it's time to head home. "Thanks for having us Jaiden! Happy birthday!" She thanks us and we head back home.

>Hippity hop it's time for a time skip<

We get home and walk inside. "Well, today was an... interesting day." Adam chuckles. "I'm really sorry Jameson." Adam leans towards me and pecks my cheek. "I'm not." I quickly pull Adam towards me and close the gap between our faces. It takes him a moment but he eventually realises what's happening. "I love you, Jameson." I smile, leaning my forehead on his. "I love you too."

It was a rushed ending sorry. Oki good of bye now that's all I wanted to say :3

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