🎙 Voice Chat Podcast 🎙

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Hey guys! It's been awhile huh? School's been pretty hard to get on top of. Anyway, I updated my profile picture to this new drawing for multiple reasons:

🎵 Don't mind me, just gon' remove some art and leave, excuse me please- 🎵

(Dangit it's sideways-)

One being my current one isn't very good. (Granted this one isn't much better anyway but eh.) Also I forgot to draw my glasses on my old one! How smol brain if me.
Another reason is that Just_A_Jadam_Shipper needs pictures of people's ocs for a drawing (which is so nice btw!) So uh... Here ya go :D
This drawing isn't that accurate either tho- I don't have obvious eyelashes so I dunno why I drew those-
Anyway, onto this (not very good) chapter of gay! :D


"Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the voice chat podcast! I'm Maaz from The AMaazing."
"I'm Rushlightinvader! OoOOoo!"
"Hi, my name's Laddi and this is my first time on a podcast."
Alright, my turn. "I'm James from TheOdd1sOut!" And now...


And now...?
What the?
"Adam!" Maaz laughs. "Huh?" Everyone starts laughing. "Adam you did this last time as well! It's your turn." Adam apologises as everyone settles down. "Hey, my name's buff guy Adam and I have a Roblox channel." Everyone erupts with laughter again. I guess this is why I love him... If only he likes me too... "James you all good? That was a big sigh." My daydreaming is interrupted by Maaz. "Oh sorry. Uh shall we get on with the podcast?" I quickly change the subject to avoid talking about what I was thinking of. "Sure. So guys... Tik Tok." Everyone groans and laughs. "Tik Tok is just trying to be Vine 2." Rush replies. "I mean yeah. Nothing will fill the hole in our hearts that Vine once filled," I add. "Yeah. I wanna know how many of you use Tik Tok." I raise my hand even though nobody can see it. "I do and I know Adam just got Tik Tok." Maaz laughs, "Yo wait guys did you see that Tik Tok I posted with Adam in it? Brooo how did you break that watermelon?" Adam laughs, "I dunno man. Guess thats just another one of buff guy Adams talents!" 

We continue talking about Tik Tok and the trends that have come with it for a little until Maaz changes the topic. "Okay so I'm gonna change the topic... Jadam." My face turns bright red, "W-what about it?" I can hear Laddi and Rush laughing. "Wait whats Jadam?" Adam interrupts. "Dude you don't know?" Maaz laughs, "When was the last time you were on the internet??" Everyone laughs except me and Adam. "If you aren't gonna tell me I'll just google it." I quickly realise whats happening when I hear keys tapping through my headphones. "No wait Adam don't google it!" The typing stops as I wait to hear how he responds. "I-... What?" Maaz snickers, "What do you see Adam?" I bury my face in my hands. "Uh I-it's... me and James... but wh- Oh wait the dyslexia video..." Everyone laughs again, leaving Adam and I embarrassed. "Guys this would be funny for you if you think it's a joke. Do you not find it funny? Do you guys like each other~?" My face turns even redder, if thats even possible. "Wh-what no!" Adam quickly says. "Then you wouldn't mind reading some Jadam fanfics out loud then?" Adam's quiet. "Y-yeah, of course I wouldn't mind... cause I don't like James!" It hurt but I stayed quiet as, I'm assuming, Adam found a fanfic to read. "Alright it's loading my search..." I debate taking off my headphones but I've always been curious of these stories. I felt like it'd be weird to read one so this gives me an excuse to know. "Okay... here we go..." Adam clears his throat before continuing, 

"There was a knock at the door. Adam knew exactly who it was. James. 'I'm coming!' Adam called. He ran to the door and swung it open. James stood at the door in his signature striped shirt and jeans. His hair was barely brushed, but his smile was wide as ever. Adam started for a moment. He had to admit, James looked... cute today. But he did e-everyda- "

"Can I stop now Maaz?" Adam seemed uncomfortable. "Pfft.. no! Keep going. We wanna know what happens!" Adam sighs and continued.

"Adam welcomed James inside, 'So I was thinking we could watch a movie?' James nodded and sat on the couch. After a while of scrolling through Netflix Adam stopped on It. 'Let's watch this!' James hesitated but found he couldn't say no to movie started and James was already scared. It wasn't long until the first jump scare hit. James screamed and latched onto Adams arm. Deciding it was time Adam smiled, 'You're so cute James... I love you.' James was confused but knew exactly what to say. 'I love you too Adam.' Adam l-leaned towards James and...'

Adam trailed off. "Come on Adam! Finish reading!" Adam sighed again.

"Adam leaned towards James and... kissed him. They each leaned further into the kiss and..." 

"Maaz I refuse to read the rest of it." Adam seemed stern. "What? Why?" "Cause it gets... w-weird..." Maaz chuckles. "Alright, you can stop." Confused, I speak up, "Wait what do you mean weird?" Maaz giggles. "You can get yourself out of this one Adam," I wait for Adams response. "W-well... weird. I don't know how else to explain it." Rush laughs, "Ok James, you're a big boy now so I'm gonna explain something to you. When two people love each other very mu-" "Woah! Woah! Woah!" Everyone laughs again, "O-okay I get it." "Seriously though guys, can't you just kiss already?" I roll my eyes, "I wish..." I quickly cover my mouth as I realise what I just said. "Woah James are you actually crushing on Adam?" I wrack my brain for a way to squirm out of this. "Uhh..." "Oh my god guys James actually likes Adam!" Maaz, Laddi and Rush all start mimicking screechy fan girls. Suddenly the screeching stops. "Wait Adam, do you feel the same?" I fiddle with my headphone cord. Great I set myself up for rejection... "Uh yeah." Before I can react Adam leaves the call. "Dude! What has this episode become?!" "You can't post this Maaz." 

I quickly leave the call, take off my headphones and run out of my room, not bothering to turn off my computer. I run through my house grabbing my keys and some shoes. I hop out the door, trying to pull my shoe over my heel. The cold of the outside immediately hits me but I push it away as I run down the street. Adam lives 10 minutes away but I know that if I'm driving it'll give me time to back out of this. So I did what any other person would do. Run. 

I arrive at Adams driveway, not slowing down until I reach the door. I knock and bend over, my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. Adam answers the door and looks at me. I can only imagine how horrid I look. I can feel sweat dripping down my forehead despite the fact I'm in a T shirt and shorts on a -14˚ day. "A-adam... I..." Adam interrupts me, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling my inside. "Sit down." Adam orders as he walks to the kitchen filling a cup with water. "Dude what the heck? It looks like you ran all the way here!" I chuckle weakly, "That's... c-cause I did..." Adam's eyes widen as he walks over and hands me the glass of water. "Thanks..." I take the water from him and drink it all in one gulp. "So why did you run all the way here?" I take a deep breath so that I can talk in a coherent sentence. "If I'd driven... I could've talked myself out of this." "Out of wha-" I place a hand behind Adams head and pull him towards me and into a kiss. I pull away, looking into Adam's eyes. I break the stare, giggling to myself. Adam smiles. "This feels like some romance story." I nod my head at his comment. "Almost as if someone's deciding our fate..." (*cOuGh*) "Yeah... but lets not look into it. Don't wanna break the forth wall do we?" A look of confusion washes over my face. Before I can question him Adam takes my hand in his and turns on the tv. "Wanna watch some Bo Burnham shows?" 

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