🍀 A lucky charm 🍀

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Top o' the mornin' to ya laddies! (Sorry I've been watching lots of Jacksepticeye lately lol) Happy St Patrick's day!! This one shot isn't that related to St Paddy's but yee enjoy anyway!

I'm pacing back and forth in Adam's living room. "I can't believe I lost it! I can't! Why did this happen?? When?!" Adam sits and listens. "It's so important to me..." I stop pacing to finish my thought. "We need to go find it!" Adam looks at me with a glint of concern in his eyes, "Are you sure? It's really dark out. Maybe we should try in the morning," I think for a moment. "We can bring flash lights. I'm not waiting until the morning." Adam stands up with his eyes closed, "Let's do it." He opens his eyes and the determination is evident. I smile. He's such a great friend. I don't deserve him. Adam walks to the door, puts some slides on and grabs his keys. "Theres a flash light in the kitchen draw. Go grab it." I nod and speed walk to the kitchen, tug the draw open and snatch the flash light the second I see it. I turn and see Adam waiting for me by the door. "Operation is a go." I giggle and rush out the door with the light. "When did you realise it was gone?" Adam asks as we stand on the front porch. "When I got back from walking Floof." He nods and pretends to write something on his hand with his finger. "And when do you remember having it last?" I think back for a moment. "This morning while I was animating." Adam nods. "We already turned your house upside down so you must've dropped it on your walk." We start walking along the path I took to walk Floof, shining the light across the path. "Hey James, you never actually told me what we're actually looking for. How am I supposed to help you find it?" I laugh to myself, "You'll know it when you see it." Adam frowns as he turns back to the path. As we're walking I get an alert on my phone. "Oh shoot I just go an alert from my weather app. It's gonna rain in ten minutes!" Adam grabs my hand and pulls me gently, making me walk faster, "Then we'd better speed this rescue mission up." Adam drops my hand and we keep looking. A few minutes pass and I start feeing drops on my arm. I sigh. "We should turn around." Adam wraps an arm around my waist, pulling us closer together, as we turn around. I'm too upset to feel flustered by his actions. I look ahead of us and see something in the grass on the side of the path. I quickly pull away from Adam and rush to what I spotted. Is that it? I bend down and pick up the small piece of paper. I grin. "Adam I found it!" He smiles and walks up to where I am. "So can I see what this precious item is now?" I smile and hand him the paper. It's a print out of a selfie Adam and I took when we first meet in real life. Adam was wearing a cool shirt and some ripped jeans. He looked incredible. I remember how embarrassed I felt being there in a faded blue and white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I printed it out a few years ago and I bring it with me everywhere as a nice memory. A lucky charm I suppose. I look to Adam. "W-why do you carry this with you?" I smile to myself. "Because seeing you reminds me that everything is going to be okay. You're just a fantastic person and you mean so much to me." He has a tear in the corner of his eye and a dorky smile plastered across his face. "J-Jameson... I love you so much!" A giggle escapes my mouth. "You didn't say 'no homo'" Adam looks up at me and gently places a hand on my face. "Cause that's not what I mean." We stare into each other's eyes. His eyes sparkle in the moonlight. The rain starts to fall faster, but we don't care. Our shirts start to stick to our bodies and I can't help but replicate his dorky smile. "I love you too Adam... I love you too." 

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