⬛ Loopy Tired ⬛

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"No, but what if potatoes are actually giant beans?"

"What? Adam that doesn't make any sense!" I laugh as Jaiden gets confused at Adams statement.

"It's fine Jaiden. He's just loopy tired." We're sitting on the floor at Adams house. He invited us to stay the night after Vidcon ended to relax for a bit. Adam starts to shuffle towards me. "James?"

I look over to him. "Have I ever told you how cute you are?"

What? My face heats up as Jaiden snickers. "O-okay it's getting really late... We should go to sleep," I say shuffling a little further away from Adam, but he shuffles right back next to me. He raises his hand and starts twirling my hair around his finger. "You should get a haircut, James..." I shiver as he continues to play with my hair. His voice is getting deeper and my face is getting warmer.

"It's fine James. He's just loopy tired," Jaiden mocks me as Adam continues to play with my hair. I send her a glare before turning back to Adam. He has dark circles under his eyes and his blinks seem to be getting longer.

"Okay, Adam stop now you don't want him to explode," Jaiden laughs pointing at my red face. "Aw that's a shame," Adam whines like a toddler.

Jaiden chuckles and shakes her head, "Alright Adam, who's sleeping where?" He thinks for a moment. "Well... someone can sleep on the couch. There isn't really enough room for two people though..."

"I've got dibs on the couch!" Jaiden leaps up off the floor and dives onto the couch to claim it. "Okay, so I'll sleep on the floor?" I stand up with my pyjamas in hand as I ask the question, assuming Adam's going to confirm.

"Actually I was thinking you could sleep with me? If you want..." My face immediately turns red. Sleep with Adam? "O-oh I uh," I don't want to make a big deal out of this. Friends can share beds. That's normal, "Y-yeah sure. I don't mind." I instantly cringe at my stuttering and speed off to the bathroom to get changed.

Once I'm changed I walk out of the bathroom and head to Adams room. I pass him in the hallway and he smiles and winks at me on his way past, leaving me flustered. Once I make it to Adam's room I shuffle under the covers and take some deep breaths. He's my friend... this is normal... I'll be fine. As I'm chanting to myself in my head Adam walks in. He's wearing red shorts and no shirt. I'm not fine. My face turns the brightest red I think it ever has and my skin is so warm you could fry an egg on it... but don't cause that'd be weird.

Adam walks over to the bed and slides under the covers, "You okay Jameson?" I nod my head, probably a bit too violently, as search for words. "Y-yep! I'm as okay as I'll ever be!" I laugh nervously and hope he's convinced. He obviously isn't but doesn't bother to question me any further. I turn away from Adam and close my eyes as he turns off the light.

"I'm sorry..." Adam's shaky voice cuts through the silence. Confused, I look over my shoulder. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable out there..."

I turn to properly face him. "Oh, it's fine..."

"No, it's not... I shouldn't have done that." Adam's face has sorrow written all over it and I can't help but feel horrible.

Hesitantly, I reach an arm over him and pull him into a hug. "It's alright Adam... If I'm being honest I uh..." I think for a moment, "I think I liked it?... " We both look away from each other.

"W-well we should get to sleep." He says.

"Yeah..." I close my eyes for a few moments until I realise my arm is still wrapped around Adam. "Oh sorry!" I quickly pull my arm away and roll over before Adam can see my pink face.

After five minutes of lying in the still and quiet room, I hear Adam sit up.

"J-james?" I sit up next to him, "Yeah?"

"James, I uh...well, I'm... uhh..." He pauses before blurting out, "I'minlovewithyou!" Before I can register what Adam just said he leans towards me and gives me a gentle kiss.

"I-I... I love you too Adam," I smile and pull him into a warm embrace.

***intergalactic_cookie edited the story again! Thank chu :) also I didn't know what emojis to use so... SQUARES!***


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