love song bet

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i feel like a real fanfic author now that i can say:

hey guys!!!! sorry for the lack of uploads. my dog got cancer and was put down, my house flooded, were homeless and near being broke. but ill try my best to keep posting!!!! 🤩

fr tho uh so not doing great. ive been quite busy and stressed. im expecting posts to slow considering... everything... but i do have this finished so i can post it rn. hope you enjoy :)

"A love song?" James splutters. "You can't write a love song!"

Adam furrows his eyebrows, "Why not?"

"Cause! You're Adam! You simply don't have emotions. You're a big tough manly man," James says with a cheeky smile.

"Okay, okay," Adam rolls his eyes and laughs. "You don't think I can be in love? Come on, man."

"Listen, I'm just saying it's hard to imagine you singing a love song. You're such a dude bro, you know?"

"A dude bro?" Adam repeats. "I take personal offense to that."

"Well, it's the truth," James grins smugly.

"Rude. I'm still writing a love song though. I don't know what to tell you."

"I just can't imagine it, sorry. I can't imagine you producing a love song with even an ounce of genuine emotion."

"I'll have you know that if I wrote you a song to make you fall in love, I would already have you right under my arm."

James opens his mouth to talk but hesitates. His cheeks go pink as he tries to comprehend what Adam had just said to him and why it has him nervous.

"Wh- I- Well..." James looks down then has a thought. "Prove it."

Adam blinks in disbelief.

"Prove it?"


The room returns to silence as Adam thinks over his suggestion.

"Okay... I prove that I can make a good love song... and...?"

"Let's place a bet. If I'm right and you can't write a good love song, I get to ask you anything. If you're right and you do make a good love song, you get to ask me anything. And we have to tell the truth. How does that sound?"

Adam nods and glances across the room at his ukulele.

"Sure. Let's do it."


"Go on, Adam. Show me what you got," James says as he sits down on the floor across from Adam.

It's been a week, Adam has his first rough draft of his song and he's about to play it for James. Adam reaches towards his ukulele and smiles.

"Alright. This is the song. I called it Your Voice."

James adjusts how he's sitting and crosses his legs. Adam looks down at his ukulele and takes a deep breath before he starts strumming. James watches the movements he makes and takes in the chords. Light and optimistic. Cute. Just what he was struggling to imagine.

And when Adam starts singing he almost melts.

"We talk for hours, hours on end, stroll through the park, then round' the bend," Adam sings with a fond smile resting on his face. "I play it back, I press rewind, we need to talk, again sometime."

Adam looks up as he changes the strumming pattern, "Cause I keep wondering about you."

He makes eye contact with James and he finds himself getting embarrassed.

"Your voice keeps playing inside my head, like a song I, can't get out, it repeats," the chorus and Adam's occasional glance up at James causes butterflies to go roaring through his stomach.

"The things you say, light up my day, either on the phone, or to my face."

By this point, James is freaking out because oh god, Adam can write a good love song and now he's sitting here blushing like a madman.

The chorus repeats again, giving James time to attempt to calm himself down and think about what the heck he's gonna say when Adam stops playing.

"Your voice keeps playing inside my head, like a song I, can't get out, it repeats," the song slows towards the end then on the last note the strum rings out in the room.

Adam looks up at James and smiles, smugly, "How's that for a love song?"

"Um," James sighs. "Good. You... you can write a love song."

"Hell yeah I can," Adam grins. "Now I get to ask you something."

James sighs and nods, "Go ahead."

"Alright, let's see... What should I ask...?"

"I swear to god, Adam. If you ask about the second fursuit I simply won't answer."

"Oh no," Adam laughs. "I plan on using my question more wisely than that."

James' nose wrinkles up. "Wha-"

"I've got it," Adam says and puts his ukulele down. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

James' eyes widen and the red on his cheeks that had only just faded charges right back onto his face.

"I- uh- what?"

"You have to answer truthfully, remember?" Adam says, seeming to become shyer. "You don't have to."

"O-okay... Um... Yeah," James replies, hesitantly at first then quickly making up his mind. "Sure! Yeah! I'd love to."

Adam smiles and nods. "Awesome."

"Were you originally gonna write a song for me? Or was it... just for the bet?" James asks.

"It was always gonna be about you," Adam replies. "Your competitiveness just gave me a chance to be super smooth."

James laughs and shakes his head. "Oh, of course. Okay, I see how it is."

Adam pushes his ukulele behind him and pats the spot on the floor next to him. James gladly accepts the invitation and shuffles over next to Adam. Deciding it's his turn to make a move, he rests his head on Adam's shoulder. Adam laughs and wraps his arm around James.

"Told you," Adam says.


"Told you I could write a song to make you fall in love," Adam teases.

James rolls his eyes and laughs. "Shut up."

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