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Gonna say Caleb is, like, two years younger than Adam cause I have no idea how old he is. So, Adam is 14, Caleb is 12, and James is 15. Cool? Cool.

"Alright, Adam. We're leaving now." Adam's mother calls from the front door. He peeks his head out from his room and nods. His father glances at his wife then back to Adam, "Now's probably a good time to tell you, we've got a sitter coming to look after you and Caleb." "What?? I thought I told you I could look after us!"

His father sighs, "Look, Adam. We just can't trust you without us after the street lamp incident." Adam feels a bit offended, "That was a one time thing. It won't happen again!" "How about the stove incident? Or the balloon incident? Or even the bath incident?" Adam sighs in defeat. "It's just the safest option. Plus, the sitter is around your age so maybe you'll learn how to be more responsible."

"Don't worry, Sweetie. We'll be back in a couple of hours," his mother smiles at him. Adam refuses to look at his parents in the eye as they walk out the door. I'm responsible. I'm mature. Those incidents were just bad days. It wouldn't happen again. But whatever. I'll just have to deal with the sitter now. The door bells goes off. Adam scoffs as he walks to the door. He's probably some nerd who never has any fun. The kinda guy who's praised by adults because he never messes up. They say he's mature but he's just an up-tight loser who-

"Hello! I'm the sitter." Adam stares at the smiling guy in front of him. He has sandy blonde hair that looks so soft he wants to pet it. He's wearing a plain solid blue t-shirt and has some black jeans on. And holy crap- he's cute. "Uh- y-yeah come in." Adam holds the door open for the guy and lets him in. "I'm James. It's nice to meet you," he smiles, warmly. Adam can feel his heart beating quickly as he tries to respond, "Cute- I mean c-cool. My name's A-adam."

James looks around the house a bit. "So, your parents already left?" Adam nods, not trusting himself to not stutter. He has no idea why he can't talk normally but it'd better stop soon. "Okay. And you have a younger brother?" Adam nods again. "You're a bit shy. That's fine. We'll get to know each other in no time!" James grins and walks down the hall to find Adam's brother. "This room?" Adam still replies with a simple nod.

What is happening with him? He's usually so confident. And now this dude is messing him up! Why?? "So what do you guys wanna do?" Adam shrugs and stares at the ground, so Caleb, who just came out of his room, speaks up, "We could play a game?" Everyone agrees, so James sets up Uno on the living room floor.

"Alright, there's everyone's hand. Ready to start?" Caleb nods eagerly, but Adam still feels a bit strange.

The round stretches on as they play cards, pick up cards, and skip each other, until finally, James wins. "Aw man! You're really good at this!" Caleb compliments James. "Thanks. I get a lot of practise. Again?"

After 6 more rounds, of which either James or Caleb won (Adam was too distracted), James suggests dinner. "Your parents said there's some frozen bolognese sauce in the freezer and some spaghetti so want me to get that ready?" Caleb agrees and hops up to help him, while Adam stays in the living room.

He can't stop thinking about James. His smile is the loveliest thing he's seen all day, yet he makes Adam so nervous. He can't stop his heart from racing and it's scaring him.

"Alright guys, let's eat!" James brings three bowls of spaghetti to the floor and turns the tv on. "We can watch some cartoons before we get you to bed," James says, poking Calebs arm as he says 'you.'

They finish their dinner and watch a few more cartoons until it's 9:30. "Alright, Caleb. You need to go to sleep. It's late." James stands up with Caleb to make sure he gets to bed.

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