His notebook

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This is honestly so strange but it's gay so I hope you like it anyway. I say this alot but, better stuff is being worked on.

"Adam?" "Yeah?" Adam responds, his eyes still glued to the road. "I'm hungry," I whine. "Oh really now? Poor Jameson is hungwy?"

I cross my arms and look at his smirking face, "Uh huh. That's correct." Adam chuckles, "Alright open the glove box. I've got some biscuits for emergencies like this."

Aw hell yeah! I quickly open the glove box. The packet is the most obvious thing there so I don't have to wait for long.

Not wanting to waste time, I don't bother closing the glove box. I grab a biscuit and take a bite. "Hey! What about me??" I smile and grab one for Adam. He takes his hand off the steering wheel, "Ah, ah, ah! Put that hand back!" "But my biscui-" I feed Adam his biscuit and in the process cut him off.

He immediately starts laughing. I hold the biscuit at his mouth, "Take a bite, dude! I can't keep my hand here all day." He bites down on the biscuit. "Thanks, James," he says, sarcastically. "You're welcome," I reply with a similar playful tone.

I turn back to the glove box. I'm about to close it when I spot something. A sketch book. I grab it from the compartment at look at it.

It's just a plain black book but I've never seen it before. Adam doesn't draw in sketch books. At least that's what he told me.

"Hey, James can I have another bite?" I don't reply and flip to the first page.

"James?" There's just a few little sketches of his character. Cute.

"James!" I turn to Adam and see him looking at me. "Put that down!!" "Eyes on the road, buster!" He quickly looks back to the road with a red face.

"James, could you please put that down?" I flip to the next page, "Why?" "Cause, it's just bad drawings. I don't want you looking at them." I go to the next page, "No way. These are awesome!" Adam's face is still a bright red as he stares ahead. How sweet! He's embarrassed.

I keep flicking through the pages complimenting Adam on the different little characters he's come up with. I reach the middle and flip to the next page.

Something very different lies on this page. There're a few print outs of photos. Not of anything but of a person. And not just any person, but me.

There's pictures that I've posted online printed out and stuck in this book. There's even little hearts scattered across the page. Now I'm wondering whether this book belongs to Adam or some fan.

The next page is the same, with little hearts and pictures. I feel my heart beating quickly and my cheeks warming up.

The next page is different. At the top are the words, "You're welcome, Adam," in what looks like Rebeccas handwriting.

I look across the next page and see little drawings of mine and Adams characters kissing, cuddling and holding hands. Each one in a different one of my friends recognisable styles. I can see one by Rebecca, Maaz, Jaiden, Alyssa, Jordan even.

The next page is the same with different peoples drawings but a step up. And by a step up I mean they're more on the level of making out. Now I'm scared to turn to the next page.

"Oh, crap," Adam mutters shakily, "James. I need you to hand me the sketch book." I look between him and the book.

"Why are these here?" "No reason. Just hand me the book!"

I don't believe him. Why did everyone do these? And why'd it say 'you're welcome'? "I don't understand." "It was just a dumb prank! Give me the notebook!" he demands.

He moves both hands off the steering wheel to try to pry the book from my hands. "Adam! The wheel!!" I warn him, keeping my firm grip on the book. Adam swiftly pulls the car over and turns to me.

"James, please. Just give me the book." I look between the drawings and Adams desperate face. "Not until you explain." "It was a dare!!" "I thought you said it was a prank?" A new wave of nervous washes over his face. "You're contradicting yourself." "Yeah that's the thing it was a dare for everyone to prank me," Adam says quickly, with a nervous frown, "Can you give it back now?"

I flick to the next page quickly and see a mix of the previous two pages. Some pictures of me and some drawings. "Adam, why are these-"

"Look, I'm really sorry James. I just really really like you and everyone likes to tease me about it. Just give the journal back!" Adam talks a million miles a minute but I still manage to hear him.

"You like me?" Adam nods quickly and motions for the book. I slowly place it in his hands. The second he feels the cover he snatches it and puts it behind him.

"You like me... as a friend or...?" "I like you as... not... a friend. I didn't wanna tell you but it just came out and I'm really really sorry."

He likes me? This is so strange... it feels like it's out of a movie. What would a movie character do now? I look at Adam, who's sweating bullets and staring at his hands. What would happen in a movie...?

I take a deep breath and call Adams name. He looks at me shyly. Do it, James. Be brave.

I awkwardly lean towards Adam and place my lips on his. It feels incredibly awkward, as the seatbelt almost pulls me back and the car is filled with silence. It's most definitely not like in the movies.

Eventually, my seatbelt pulls me all the way back. We look at each other for a moment before apologising at the same time, "Sorry I-" "I don't know wh-" We both sit awkwardly staring out the window.

"So you..." Adam glances at me, then looks away when we make eye contact, "...like me back?" "Yeah..." "And you... wouldn't be opposed to a... date? And maybe another kiss?"

I nod, "That sounds great." "Th-the date or the kiss?" A grin spreads across my face as I undo my seatbelt and lean towards his face, "Both."

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